COD Bo6 Boosting

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  • CoD BO6 Zombies Gobblegums

    $ 6.99


    Boosting Method


    Service Description

    Buy BO6 Zombies GobbleGums boost and get the opportunity to rapidly collect and stockpile a variety of GobbleGums, one of the most essential power-ups in Call of Duty’s Zombies mode.

    With GobbleGums coming in different rarities—Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Ultra—players can access game-changing perks that enhance survival and gameplay. 

    Our service ensures you receive a selected number of GobbleGums, giving you access to powerful abilities that can tilt the game in your favor. 

    From spawning Insta-Kill Power-Ups to instantly reviving teammates or gaining all Perk-a-Colas in a single use, this boost is perfect for those looking to dominate the zombie apocalypse.

    What Will You Get?
    When you use our RBZ GobbleGums farming service, a predetermined number of random GobbleGums will be added to your collection. These may include:

    • Rare GobbleGums like Stock Option, Kill Joy, and Cache Back, offering quick bursts of power like infinite ammo or instant teleportation.
    • Epic GobbleGums such as Soda Fountain and Profit Sharing, which grant unique effects like receiving bonus perks or sharing earned essence with your team.
    • Legendary GobbleGums including Wall Power and Phoenix Up, providing powerful perks such as Pack-A-Punched weapons and the ability to revive teammates with all their perks intact.
    • Ultra GobbleGums like Perkaholic and Reign Drops, granting all perks or unleashing a series of game-changing Power-Ups at once.

    Each boosting session delivers a mix of these GobbleGums, giving you a strong chance to unlock higher-tier abilities that can make all the difference in surviving and excelling through tough Zombie rounds.


    You need to meet the following requirements to buy BO6 Zombies GobbleGums farm:

    • CoD Black Ops 6 purchased on your account.

    Product pictures:


    Fast Delivery

    Fulfilling orders quickly is one of the most important things. U4GM staff will do everything possible to help you get your COD Bo6 Boosting order as soon as possible.

    Best Price

    U4GM offers the most competitive prices on the market. You can enjoy the best COD Bo6 Boosting with the best prices!

    Refund Policy

    For any reason that you want a refund before order delivered, U4GM will issue the refund within 24 hours.

    24/7 Support

    Whenever you have any questions, problems, concerns, advice, you can reach us on live chat, Skype, Discord, e-mail. U4GM customer support 24/7 available for you.