Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Calling Cards List

Game: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Time: 2024-11-18
Views: 1037
CoD Black Ops 6 Calling Cards

Calling Cards are decorative items used in the Player Card in Call of Duty Black Ops 6, which become a fan-favorite feature thanks to their unique designs! To unlock them, you need to accidentally fulfill specific conditions while playing Campaign, Zombies, or Multiplayer. Don't worry, in this guide, we will show you all Black Ops 6 Calling Cards along with their unlock requirements.

All Black Ops 6 Dark Ops Zombies Calling Cards

Another Round?Reach Round 100.
Armed to the TeethEquip 3 Pack-a-Punch Level III, Legendary weapons with Ammo Mods and 8 Perks active
Box AddictBuy every weapon from the Mystery Box in a single game.
FataleKill 2 Amalgams with a single shot.
Good EnoughReach Round 20 with only your starting loadout and no upgrades.
Gummed UpConsume 25 GobbleGum in a single match.
Harbinger of DoomKill 100 enemies with a single Scorestreak.
InvincibleReach Round 30 without going down.
KunoichiKill 3 Zombies, 2 Special Zombies, and an Elite Zombie during 1 use of Aether Shroud with Void Sheath equipped.
LiberatedComplete Liberty Falls Quest in under 30 minutes in Standard Mode.
Light’Em UpKill 10 ignited Elite Zombies using the Big Game Augment for Napalm Burst in a single match.
Reaper of the UndeadKill 1,000,000 Zombies.
Social DistancingReach Round 20 without taking damage.
Sticks N’StonesReach Round 25 solo using only melee weapons, combat axes, and Melee Macchiato.
Strike!Get 300 score while bowling at Liberty Falls.
TerminalComplete Terminus Quest after Round 50.
Well That Was a WasteGet downed within 10 seconds of using a Perkaholic GobbleGum.
Yo Ho HoOn Terminus, earn 20k Essence without getting hit with the Cursed Relic equipped.
Zombies Dark Ops 100%Complete 15 Dark Ops Challenges.

All Black Ops 6 Dark Ops Multiplayer Calling Cards

100kGet 100,000 Eliminations.
2 Birds 1 StoneScore a Collateral medal.
Accidentally on PurposeKill an enemy with an environmental hazard.
Ace!Score 4 Ace medals.
Blunt TraumaKill an enemy with a direct impact of a Smoke.
Brutal KillerEarn a Brutal Medal.
BuzzsawEarn 10 Triple Kill Medals (3 rapid kills) or better in Hardcore.
Chain KillerEarn a Kill Chain Medal.
Circus ActScore a Bankshot medal.
Dark IndeedEarn Dark Matter on 33 weapons in Multiplayer.
Double TroubleKill both enemies in a Gunfight with a single shot or explosion.
Frenzy KillerEarn a Frenzy Kill Medal.
Go Loooong!Get a long-range Combat Axe kill.
Hard BreakupPerform 7 Finishing Moves in a single match.
Hit JobGet 100 Finishing Moves.
Mega KillerEarn a Mega Kill Medal.
Nuclear KillerEarn a Nuke.
Nuked Out Earn a Nuke in Free For All without using Scorestreaks.
Relentless KillerEarn a Relentless Medal.
Return to SenderScore a kill by throwing back an enemy Frag Grenade.
Too Hardcore for HardcoreGet 10 kills without dying 1 time in Hardcore.
Ultra KillerEarn an Ultra Kill Medal.
Very NuclearScore a Nuke with 25 different weapons

All Black Ops 6 Dark Ops Campaign Calling Cards

Campaign MasterComplete all Career Challenges in the Campaign.
RCXD-AngerousKill an assassination target using a Throwing Knife in Blood Feud.
Double DownDefend the vault using pistols in High Rollers.
No SmokingKill 10 enemies using Dragon's Breath rounds in a single playthrough of Ground Control.
Fatal VarietyScore a kill with 12 different weapons in Checkmate.
Brutal ManeuversPerform 5 Finishing Moves on Elite Soldiers.
Mortal MaestroComplete all Imaginative Killer challenges.
Insight AdvancementFind all 4 audio logs in Hunting Season.
Retina ReadyEarn the Senator's retinal scan three different ways in Most Wanted.
Collect CallsAnswer all the phones in Emergence.
Keen EyeUse Sev's Keen eye ability on the 3 desk guards in Under the Radar.
Detail DevourerComplete all dialogue trees in each visit to The Rook.
Safe CrackerOpen all the safes.
Sleuth SupremeComplete all Thorough Investigator challenges.
Endless OptionsDestroy the Scud missiles without C4 in Hunting Season.
Missing PersonsStash 5 bodies inside lockers in Under the Radar.
KeneticistComplete the Time Trial in a single run in Separation Anxiety.
Campaign Dark Ops 100%Complete all 4 Dark Ops Campaign challenges.

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