Black Ops 6 Guide: How To Unlock All Military & Special Camos?

Game: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Time: 2024-11-12
Views: 602

The latest installment in the Call of Duty franchise, Black Ops 6, has introduced an exciting and streamlined approach to camo challenges in its multiplayer mode. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to unlock both Military and Special camos across Multiplayer and Zombies modes, along with tips to enhance your gameplay experience.

Black Ops 6 Camo Challenges

Camo challenges in Black Ops 6 serve as a dynamic way for players to showcase their skills and weapon mastery. The game categorizes camos into three distinct types:

- Military Camos: Basic camouflage patterns achieved through headshot milestones.   
- Special Camos: Unique designs unlocked via specific in-game achievements.   
- Mastery Camos: Elite skins that signify a player's dedication and skill.

Some time ago, we have introduced the unlocking method of all Mastery Camos in Black Ops 6 in detail. Here we will introduce how to unlock all Military & Special Camos in detail.

How To Unlock All Military Camos

Military Camos, consists of nine distinct designs that players can unlock by achieving a set number of headshots or kills. Each camo requires players to complete specific challenges tailored to different weapon types. Note that melee and launchers need to complete specific challenges. 

Below is a summary of the Military Camo requirements:

Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Military Camos

Military CamoUnlock RequirementMeleeLaunchers
GraniteGet 5 Headshot KillsGet 5 KillsGet 2 Kills or Scorestreak Destructions
WoodlandGet 10 Headshot KillsGet 10 KillsGet 5 Kills or Scorestreak Destructions
SavannaGet 15 Headshot KillsGet 15 KillsGet 10 Kills or Scorestreak Destructions
SplinterGet 20 Headshot KillsGet 20 KillsGet 15 Kills or Scorestreak Destructions
MossGet 30 Headshot KillsGet 30 KillsGet 20 Kills or Scorestreak Destructions
SaboteurGet 40 Headshot KillsGet 40 KillsGet 25 Kills or Scorestreak Destructions
DigitalGet 50 Headshot KillsGet 50 KillsGet 30 Kills or Scorestreak Destructions
TideGet 75 Headshot KillsGet 75 KillsGet 40 Kills or Scorestreak Destructions
Red TigerGet 100 Headshot KillsGet 100 KillsGet 50 Kills or Scorestreak Destructions

Black Ops 6 Zombies Military Camos

Military CamoUnlock RequirementMeleeLaunchers
GraniteGet 100 Critical KillsGet 100 KillsGet 100 Kills
WoodlandGet 200 Critical KillsGet 200 KillsGet 200 Kills
SavannaGet 300 Critical KillsGet 300 KillsGet 300 Kills
SplinterGet 400 Critical KillsGet 400 KillsGet 400 Kills
MossGet 600 Critical KillsGet 600 KillsGet 600 Kills
SaboteurGet 800 Critical KillsGet 800 KillsGet 800 Kills
DigitalGet 1000 Critical KillsGet 1000 KillsGet 1000 Kills
TideGet 1500 Critical KillsGet 1500 KillsGet 1500 Kills
Red TigerGet 2000 Critical KillsGet 2000 KillsGet 2000 Kills

How To Unlock All Special Camos

Upon unlocking all Military Camos for a weapon, players can advance to Special Camos. Each weapon features two unique designs that can be unlocked through targeted gameplay objectives. Here are examples of Special Camo requirements for various weapon classes:

All Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Special Camos Challenges

Assault Rifle Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
XM4MuddledGet 30 kills shortly after sprinting
MachinaGet a kill without taking any damage 30 times
AK-74WhitecapGet 50 eliminations with the AK-74 while the Strategist Combat Specialty is active
VengeanceGet 20 kills with the underbarrel launcher attached to the AK-74
AMES 85HeatstrokeGet a kill without taking any damage 30 times
BurialGet two kills without reloading 10 times
GPR 91AmbushGet thirty kills shortly after sprinting
Cacti CathodeGet 50 kills while moving
Model LCherry BlossomGet 50 kills while the Enforcer Combat Specialty is active
CedarGet 50 kills with a suppressor equipped
Goblin Mk2Astral CryGet a kill without taking any damage 30 times
HammerheadGet 20 kills with the underbarrel launcher attached
AS VALCrimson SteppesGet 50 kills with the Recon Combat Specialty is active
ElkGet 30 Hipfire Kills

Related: Best Assault Rifle Class Setups in Black Ops 6

SMG Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
C9HeatwaveGet 30 kills shortly after sprinting
PantherGet 50 kills with a suppressor equipped
KSVKakapoGet 2 kills without reloading 10 times
ThrowbackGet 50 kills while moving
Tanto .22AmorphousGet 50 kills while moving
Go BananasGet a kill without taking any damage 30 times
PP-919Radiant BathGet 30 Hipfire Kills
Midnight ProwlGet 50 Kills with the Strategist Combat Specialty is active with the PP-919
Jackal PDWDeep EndGet 30 Kills shortly after sprinting
DreadGet 30 Point Blank kills
Kompakt 92KingfisherGet 30 Hipfire Kills
BlackthornGet 30 kills shortly after sprinting with the Kompakt 92

Related: Black Ops 6 Meta Loadouts: Best Class Setups for Every SMG

Shotgun Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
Marine SPBlueberry LimeGet 30 hipfire kills
Chromed OutGet 30 kills shortly after sprinting
ASG-89Night TerrorGet 30 Point Blank kills
Drive-InGet 50 kills while moving with the ASG-89

LMG Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
PU-21Neon BathGet 30 kills shortly after sprinting with the PU-21
VigilanceGet 2 kills without reloading 10 times
XMGBuzzGet 2 kills without releasing the trigger 5 times
SnakebiteGet 50 kills while moving
GPMG-7Brush StrokeGet 50 kills with the Strategist Combat Specialty active with the GPMG-7
IdyllicGet 30 Point Blank kills

Marksman Rifle Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
SWAT 5.56EctoplasmGet 50 kills with a 4.0x or higher magnification scope attached to the SWAT 5.56
LumberjackGet 50 kills with the Enforcer Combat Specialty active
Tsarkov 7.62Clear WaterGet 15 Longshot Kills
Concrete JungleGet 50 kills with the Strategist Combat Specialty active
AEK-973AblazeGet 2 kills without reloading 10 times
MirageGet 50 kills with a 4.0x or higher magnification scope attached to the AEK-973
DM-10MellowbloomGet 50 kills with a suppressor equipped to the DM-10
CobaltGet 15 longshot kills

Sniper Rifle Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
LW3A1 FrostlineCopperGet 50 kills while the Recon Combat Specialty is active with the LW3A1 Frostline
PermafrostGet 2 kills without reloading 10 times
SVDPixelizedGet 50 kills while the Recon Combat Specialty is active with the SVD
PatchworkGet 50 kills with a 4.0x or higher magnification scope attached to the SVD
LR 7.62ChaparralGet 30 One Shot Kills
NimbusGet 15 Longshot Kills

Pistol Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
9mm PMExabyteGet 15 kills shortly after switching weapons
Blue RingGet 50 kills with a suppressor equipped
GrekhovaSpinGet 30 Hipfire Kills
DemeterGet 50 kills while the Enforcer Combat Specialty is active
GS45ThistlevineGet 30 Point Blank kills
RagamuffinGet 15 kills shortly after switching weapons
Stryder .22RitualGet 50 kills while moving
TranscendGet 50 kills while the Recon Combat Specilaty is active

Launcher Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
CIGMA 2BPoliciaGet 10 Direct Hit Kills
AbstractDestroy 10 Aerial Scorestreaks
HE-1RebootGet 10 Direct Hit Kills
DreamerDestroy 10 scorestreaks or enemy equipment

Melee Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
KnifeDying EnvyGet 50 kills while the Enforcer Combat Specialty is active
Tropical LeopardGet a kill without taking any damage 30 times
Baseball BatTormentGet 15 kills shortly after switching weapons
SlipGet a kill without taking any damage 30 times

All Black Ops 6 Zombies Special Camos Challenges

Assault Rifle Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
XM4LiquifyGet 300 kills with Napalm Burst ammo installed.
MainframeKill 30 Vermin.
AK-74ChlorineGet 5 critical kills rapidly 15 times.
HauntedGet 300 kills with the weapon while it’s Pack-A-Punched.
AMES 85HyperionGet 300 kills with a Rare+ variant.
GraveyardGet 300 kills with Brain Rot ammo installed.
GPR 91Night StalkerGet 300 kills with Cryo Freeze ammo installed.
FrostblossomKill 100 enemies affected by your tactical.
Model LGhost BlossomKill 75 armored zombies.
WalnutGet 5 critical kills rapidly 15 times.
Goblin Mk2Blood ScentGet 5 critical kills rapidly 15 times.
AS VALMalachite SteppesKill 30 Parasites.
Mountain GoatGet 300 kills with Dead Wire ammo installed.

SMG Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
C9InfraredKill 30 Parasites.
LynxGet 300 kills while the weapon is Pack-A-Punched.
KSVPhoenixGet 300 kills with Dead Wire ammo installed.
ThrottleGet 300 hipfire kills.
Tanto .22SolemnGet 5 critical kills rapidly 15 times.
AlohaGet 300 kills while the weapon is Pack-A-Punched.
PP-919SolventGet 300 kills with Cryo Freeze ammo installed.
Stalking ShadowGet 10 kills without reloading 15 times.
Jackal PDWPlungeGet 300 kills with Napalm Burst ammo installed.
DistressGet 300 hipfire kills.
Kompakt 92Tequila SunriseGet 300 kills with the Rare+ variant.
VoidthornGet 300 point blank kills.

Shotgun Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
Marine SPStrawberry MintGet 300 kills with a Rare or above variant.
Peel OutGet 300 hipfire kills.
ASG-89Dream EaterKill 100 enemies affected by your tactical.
Coin-OpKill 30 Parasites.

LMG Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
PU-21VividKill 10 Manglers.
JusticeGet 300 hipfire kills.
XMGHissGet 10 kills without reloading 15 times.
Acid SlideGet 300 kills with Brain Rot ammo installed.
GPMG-7ImpressionistGet 300 point blank kills.
Other WorldGet 10 kills without reloading 15 times.

Marksman Rifle Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
SWAT 5.56HyperspaceKill 100 enemies affected by your Tactical.
WranglerKill 75 armored zombies.
Tsarkov 7.62HarvestKill 100 enemies affected by your Tactical.
Desert SunsetKill 300 enemies with Dead Wire ammo installed.
AEK-973VoidflameGet 300 kills with Cryo Freeze ammo installed.
Blood MoonGet 300 kills with Napalm Burst ammo installed.
DM-10FurybloomGet 5 critical kills rapidly 15 times.
MantaGet 300 kills with Rare rarity or higher.

Sniper Rifle Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
LW3A1 FrostlineStrataGet 300 kills with a Rare rarity or higher.
EventideKill 30 Parasites.
SVDCartridgeKill 300 zombies.
IntegrationGet 5 critical kills rapidly 15 times.
LR 7.62Foxglove Kill 10 Manglers.
OvercastGet 300 kills with Brain Rot ammo installed.

Pistol Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
9mm PMYottabyteGet 300 kills with Cryo Freeze ammo installed.
Red RingGet 300 kills with Dead Wire ammo installed.
GrekhovaHi-FiKill 10 Manglers.
CeresGet 5 critical kills rapidly 15 times.
GS45VelvetvineKill 300 zombies.
SiameseGet 300 hipfire kills.
Stryder .22WavyGet 300 point blank kills.
CondemnKill 30 Vermin.

Launcher Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
CIGMA 2BCbrneGet 300 kills while the weapon is Pack-A-Punched.
TechniqueKill 75 armored zombies.
HE-1DecryptKill 30 Vermin.
DemeterGet 300 kills with Rare rarity or higher.

Melee Challenges

WeaponSpecial CamoUnlock Requirement
KnifeDying BloomGet 300 kills with Brain Rot ammo installed.
Vacation LegendKill 75 armored zombies.
Baseball BatBanishedGet 300 kills with Rare rarity or higher.
ContortKill 30 Vermin.


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