Reach the 2000 Light with our Power Leveling boost and get piles of gear and activities completed!
Yes, this process is very time-consuming and requires the player's knowledge about the whole game to do it fast.
Of course, you can level up by yourself, but this could waste months of your time. Our boosters are ready to get rid of it.
Buy 1900 – 2000 Power Leveling and get access to New Raid, Trials of Osiris, and Grandmaster Nightfalls, where you can get delicious loot - raid-special gear, Adept gear, and resources like Ascendant Shards and Enhancement Prisms.
What you will get
What will we complete during this boost?
Leveling can be a little confusing in Destiny 2 if you’re a newcomer. Let's explain Power Leveling in detail - your Power Level is calculated as the average value between all of your items,
so if you want to get power levels fast you can't do it just by completing activities. Sometimes gear drops in the same slot, so, power leveling requires a special approach to gearing. That is why you should buy it here!
We will complete all pinnacle activities if they are available for your account until you get the desired Power Level.
1900-1960 power level
This level is more complicated - we will complete activities with Powerful Loot:
1990-2000 power level
That is the most time-consuming, hard, and challenging task to do. Unsurprisingly, the leveling rate here decreases dramatically. In this final step, you’ll only gain 10 additional power levels,
compared to 30 in step two and 60 in step one. That’s because Pinnacle gear drops are few and far between, they take a long time,
and they’re very difficult. Of course, you can do everything by yourself, but you need a good fireteam to complete the Raid, Trials, or Dungeon - and we are here to help you.
So what will we complete for you?
Why do I need to increase power level?
Power level or Light Level or just Light is a value that displays the player character's strength. This value is determined by the Power value of the character's equipped gear plus artifact power level. Each character begins the game with 1900 Power Level.
There are few light caps in Destiny 2: