NBA 2K21: MyLeague Wishlist

jeu: NBA 2K21
heure: 2023-02-13
vues: 2387

NBA 2K's MyLeague is the best franchise mode available, but there's plenty of room to grow it and some glaring issues that need addressing. Here, I made a wishlist of NBA 2K21 MyLeague, including the feedback of players on various platforms and some of my suggestions.


NBA 2K21: MyLeague Wishlist

1. Dependable MyLeague Online Servers

MyLeague Online's servers have been horrible for years, and that's one of the saddest truths surrounding the 2K franchise. It seems 2K has hired new talent to help iron out some of these problems, so hopefully, NBA 2K21 will be stronger in this regard.

2. Tattoos on Created Players

If you're playing MyCareer, you're able to buy tattoos for your MyPlayer. However, if you're an offline roster creator, you're unable to add tattoos. That would be a beautiful option to have in NBA 2K21.

3. More Hairstyles for Created Players

I hope NBA 2K21 should have more options for facial hair at their disposal. If NBA 2K could arbitrarily color areas of the hair, and to alter the lengths it would unlock another layer of creativity.

4. Wider Range of Body Types

2K has added a few more body type variations, but we're still too limited, especially with offline creations. Heavier-set guys, various muscular builds, and ultra-thin frames are a must.

5. Simplified Player Editing and Creation

When you're creating rosters or editing players, the small things are the most time-consuming. Simply putting all of the attributes on one screen would make the creation and editing process much easier.

6. Smaller Leagues with fewer Teams

Customization is one of the strong suits of the franchise modes, but there are some places it can still improve. It would be great to have the ability to create leagues with as few as eight teams.

7. New Historic MyLeague mode

Right now, players can load in a historic draft class and roster but it still feels like 2020. Adding a historic presentation would help with this. Limiting it to 5 or 10 years ago would help with the problem of getting licenses for all the retired players.

8. Better Halftime Show

The NBA Live franchise does one thing better than 2K, and it's the halftime show. The halftime show in 2K is very outdated. If NBA 2K21 has an intermission that is on par with NBA Live, it will have taken a much-needed step in the area of presentation.

9. Weekly Wrap-Up Show 

The last piece of proposed goodness to improve the franchise mode experience is the addition of a weekly wrap-up show. If there was an in-studio look back at the previous week in your MyLeague and MyGM with highlights, mock tweets, fake video, and other simulations of NBA media coverage, it would take the franchise mode experience to another level.

10. Playing G-League Games

Not everyone will play the G-League games in their MyLeague, and some will embark on unique experiences where they choose to only play the games from the NBA's minor league. Gamers who are playing MyLeague should have the option to play games for their G-League affiliates.

11. More Radical League Customization Options

MyLeague has a great offseason feature that allows for rule changes and other structural alterations to the NBA experience. However, there are some additional ways this customization can be extended. For now, you can add six expansion teams which are far more than any other sports game allows, but because we don't have a college hoops game anymore, it would be nice if NBA 2K allowed gamers to create a league that would allow college rules and structure.

12. Bigger VC Rewards for Franchise Mode Accomplishments

If there were bigger VC rewards for completing certain franchise goals (MVP, winning the NBA Finals, All-Star Appearances, Hall-of-Fame inductions, leading the league in scoring), it might entice more people to play.

13. More intelligent AI

While the 2K series has created some pretty smart AI GMs to deal with in MyLEAGUE, sometimes they fall flat and change the mode as a result. There are times when you can find trades that simply can't be explained and pickup value or dump bad contracts with ease. In NBA 2K21, the AI needs to be warier about bad contracts.

14. Draft class issues (duplicates glitch)

The NBA 2K20 has maintained a glitch in the MyLEAGUE mode for months with no end in sight. This is what many refer to as the duplicates glitch.

At the beginning of MyLEAGUE, you can choose to start in the 2019-2020 regular season, or the offseason before it. Players looking to sculpt their franchise early will go with the offseason more often than not. When you are prompted to choose your draft class for the upcoming draft, your first option is to use NBA 2K20's build of the 2019 draft class. 

The only problem is that for many players, this class has duplicates of every major (and non-major) prospect. The duplicates have new names. For months players have had to download player-made draft classes to circumvent this, and it's somehow still not fixed. 

15. The better draft class builds

The 2K series has introduced hundreds of different player builds to personalize each player. But when letting the game build draft classes for NBA 2K20, there were some pretty disappointing results. This includes many low-potential talents that can't shape the league.

We don't get the interesting and unique prospects we've seen year after year, instead of ending up with cookie-cutter boring characters that don't have the same impact.

16. Save/Load Playbooks

The same way as you can save and load advanced rotations it would be great to be able to do the same with playbooks. Right now you have to create your playbook in every quick game or every MyLeague.

17. Photo Upload for Offline Create-A-Player 

I've wanted this feature in NBA 2K ever since EA released its GameFace app. Also with WWE 2K having it as a part of their creation suite, it seems even more of an egregious omission from the NBA 2K series.

Hopefully, when NBA 2K21 is released, we will see these changes in the new game. Also, view more information about NBA 2K21 and learn more about NBA 2K21 MT services, please click

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