Monopoly GO has taken the classic board game to a new level, blending strategy, competition, and teamwork with a digital twist. But if you want to stay ahead, you’ll need more than just luck to be successful. Here, we’ve rounded up five important tips to help you dominate the game, make the most of your resources, and maximize every dice roll. Let’s dive right in!
Monopoly GO becomes significantly more enjoyable and advantageous when you play with friends. You can either invite people you know or add random players to your friend group. Friends in the game offer invaluable support, which will be evident.
Inviting friends can lead to bonus dice rolls, helping you stay active in the game longer without having to wait for rolls. With friends, you can trade duplicate cards, speeding up the collection process. This teamwork helps both players, as completing card sets unlocks rewards like dice and other bonuses. In addition, there are partner events, you need more friends to complete them together to get more rewards!
In Monopoly GO, you can trade duplicate stickers with others, making it easier to complete your sticker collections. Completing these collections rewards you with extra dice, which helps keep your game going.
Since you can only trade a limited number of stickers each day, it’s essential to make each trade count. Focus on exchanging duplicates you don’t need for Monopoly GO Stickers you’re missing, rather than trading for additional copies of common cards. Some stickers are rarer than others, making it challenging to finish certain collections. Coordinate with friends to swap your duplicates for these harder-to-find stickers, so you can quickly complete sets that are almost finished.
Building your board is essential to progressing in Monopoly GO, and each new board brings unique aesthetics along with additional dice rewards. However, here’s a tip: don’t build too quickly. You’re given shields to protect your properties from attacks by other players, but these shields don’t last forever. Once your shields run out, other players can damage your property, which you’ll need to pay to repair.
If you’re finished playing for the day, consider holding off on building any new properties until you’re ready to make significant progress. This strategy helps you avoid paying for repairs and saves you money over time. While you’ll still be vulnerable to heists and rent charges, the risk is worth it to maintain your resources.
While it’s tempting to keep rolling when you’re on a hot streak, it’s wise to be cautious with your dice rolls. After completing a card collection or receiving a lot of dice, you might feel like maxing out the multiplier and raking in millions. However, beware, you will quickly drain your dice supply if you aren’t careful.
When you start getting less favorable rolls—like repeatedly landing in jail or consistently missing the tiles you’re aiming for—it might be time to take a break. Save those rolls for tomorrow's contests or other daily tournaments where they can make a real impact. Placing in the top 15 in a one-day tournament or the top 20 in a two-day event can yield substantial rewards, including additional dice rolls.
In Monopoly GO, attacking friends can give you a competitive edge—especially during tournaments. While it might seem counter to friendly gameplay, targeting friends can maximize your points and help you rank higher in daily contests.
When you land on the attack tile, you have the option to choose who you want to attack. Unlike random opponents, your friends are visible targets, allowing you to pick players who might have low shield counts or high-value properties. By choosing friends who haven't protected their boards, you can secure unblocked hits, earn more points and advance on the leaderboard. While it’s tempting to attack friends often, be aware that they may return the favor! A smart approach is to attack strategically and perhaps give friends a heads-up outside of the game. This way, you can both benefit from a little friendly rivalry without any hard feelings.
These five tips are essential for maximizing your Monopoly GO experience. If you have any other tips, please share them with us!