Fortnite Daily Quests Part 3 - Husk Extermination

Game: Fortnite
Time: 2023-02-13
Views: 11509

In order to get V-Bucks and Daily Coins Every day, players may complete Daily Quests. These quests have no time limit and therefore do not expire, even if the player does not complete them within a day. Now U4GM shares with you Fortnite Daily Quests Part 3 - Husk Extermination. Meanwhile, if you want to Buy Fortnite Items, U4GM provides you with a trustworthy Fortnite Items trading platform.

Fortnite Daily Quests Part 3


NO.1 Husk Extermination (Any Hero)


Quest Description:



Kill 500 Husks (Any Hero) in successful missions.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




What Are the Husks:



Husks are the most common type of Monster in Save the World.



They appear to possess as soon as been humans that have been mutated by The Storm.



They seem as humanoid monsters wearing what seems to be a "hoodie" but is actually their skin.



They spawn from Storm vortexes during Missions, or can be found sleeping out in the world.



You will find a range of types of Husks, every single having a diverse look and attack pattern.




NO.2 Husk Exterminator (Constructor)


Quest Description:




Kill 300 Husks in successful missions as a Constructor.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




What Is the Constructor:



The Constructor is one of the four Hero Classes available in Fortnite.



With their bonuses to building speed, repair speed, and building health, they are highly specialized for building forts efficiently and effectively.



In addition, their ability gives their forts an additional layer of defense, while their Bull Rush Bull Rush ability allows them to push crowds of Husks away from their fort.



Within combat situations, they are granted a higher base Health and Shield, allowing them to safely use their crowd control ability.




NO.3 Husk Exterminator (Ninja)


Quest Description:




Kill 300 Husks in successful missions as a Ninja.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




What Is the Ninja:



The Ninja is one of the four Hero Classes available in Fortnite.



With their unique ability to double-jump as well as a higher base movement speed, they have the highest mobility out of all the classes.




NO.4 Husk Exterminator (Outlander)


Quest Description:



Kill 300 Husks in successful missions as an Outlander.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




NO.5 Husk Exterminator (Soldier)


Quest Description:



Kill 300 Husks in successful missions as a Soldier.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




What Is the Soldier:



The Soldier is one of the four playable Hero Classes available in Fortnite.



They are a well-rounded class, with passive abilities revolving around optimizing ranged combat, either through reducing recoil, reducing reload time, or simply increasing damage using Assault Weapons.



They also have various active abilities that give them some degree of versatility in combat.




NO.6 Husk Extermination (Melee)


Quest Description:



Kill 300 Husks with a melee weapon in successful missions.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




What Are the Melee Weapons:



Melee Weapons are weapons used in close-range combat.



They include several types of bladed weapons and blunt weapons.



While they do not require ammunition to be used, their Heavy Attacks consume Energy.



The Ninja class is specialized in using Melee Weapons, with various passive abilities boosting damage done by these weapon types, and mobility to allow them to go in and out of melee range with ease.



Melee Weapons are categorized into 6 subclasses: Swords, Axes, Spears, Scythes, Clubs, and Hardware.




NO.7 Husk Extermination (Assault Rifle)


Quest Description:




Kill 300 Husks with an assault rifle weapon in successful missions.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




What Is the Assault Rifle:



The Assault Rifles is one of the Ranged weapons in Fortnite.



Ranged Weapons include all types of firearms and several laser-based ranged Weapons.



All ranged weapons except Explosive Weapons consume Ammunition during use.



The Soldier class specializes in using ranged weapons, with their signature skill Debilitating Shots making enemies vulnerable to more damage once hit by their ranged attacks.



Ranged weapons are categorized into 5 subclasses: Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols, Sniper Rifles, and Explosive Weapons.




NO.8 Husk Extermination (Shotgun)


Quest Description:




Kill 300 Husks with a shotgun weapon in successful missions.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




What Is the Shotgun:



The Shotgun is also one of the Ranged weapons in Fortnite.



Ranged weapons are categorized into 5 subclasses: Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols, Sniper Rifles, and Explosive Weapons.




NO.9 Husk Extermination (Sniper Rifle)


Quest Description:



Kill 300 Husks with a sniper rifle weapon in successful missions.



The Sniper Rifle is one of the Ranged weapons in Fortnite.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




NO.10 Husk Extermination (Pistol)


Quest Description:



Kill 300 Husks with a pistol weapon in successful missions.



The Pistol is one of the Ranged weapons in Fortnite.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




NO.11 Husk Extermination (Trap)


Quest Description:




Kill 150 Husks with a trap weapon in successful missions.




Quest Reward:



50 V-bucks



100 Daily coins




What Are the Traps:



Traps are items used to fight off monsters from the Storm.



They can be found in the world, received as rewards, or crafted.



They are one of the core mechanics of the game, used for fort protection.



There's a great variety of functions and placement options available.



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