Fortnite Soldier Guides For Urban Assault Headhunter

Game: Fortnite
Time: 2023-02-13
Views: 10880

Take into account going with Urban Assault for those who desire to snipe Husks from afar although protecting your forts, as these heroes deal enormous damage with each sniper rifles, assault rifles, and Frag Grenades alike. This soldier class is considered the singular ideal harm hero inside the game of all of the Classes. They get enormous boosts to headshots, and her grenade features a lasting ground impact that continues to perform damage soon after it has exploded. She does eat up ammo a bit though, and to be honest, if you aren't consistently Headshotting factors, you might be missing out on lots of harm with this hero.


NO.1 Urban Assault Headhunter Squad Bonus:
Improved Headshots – Increases headshot damage multiplier of Ranged Fortnite Weapons by 12%. Support bonuses are applied to your Primary Hero when this Hero is in your Support slot.

Lucky Stars – Throwing Stars will cause 40% extra headshot damage. Tactical bonuses are applied to your Primary Hero when this Hero is in your Tactical slot. To unlock Evolve Hero to Star Level 2. Requires: Ninja Primary Hero.

NO.2 Urban Assault Headhunter Base Stats:

Fortnite Soldier Guides For Urban Assault Headhunter

Shield – 228
Shield Regen – 57
Shield Regen Delay – 8
Movement Speed – 365
Sprint Speed – 550
Health – 649
Health Regen – 15

NO.3 Urban Assault Headhunter Abilities

3-Star Evolution
Frag Grenade – Costs 45 Energy. Costs one Ammo: Frag Grenade. Ammo regen time: 25 Seconds. The Soldier throws a Frag Grenade detonating after a few seconds dealing 531.3 Energy damage in a .5 tile radius. The Soldier carries a maximum of 3 Frag Grenades.
Kneecapper – Increases the effectiveness of Vulnerability to 9%.
Keep Out – Keep Out! Frag Grenade explosions leave a residual energy field, doing 25% of the initial grenade blast every 1 second for 5 seconds.


2-Star Evolution
Shockwave – Costs 30 Energy. 30 Second Cooldown. The Soldier emits a Shockwave, knocking back enemies within one tile range and dealing 157.8 Energy damage.
Quick Clip – Reduces Reload Speed by 40%.
Make It Rain – Head-Shotting enemies increases Ranged weapon rate of fire by 25% for 5 seconds.
Rain Faster – Increases the rate of fire for Make It Rain by 25%.

1-Star Evolution
Advanced Weapon Tactics – Ranged Weapon Damage increased by 10%. Health Increased by 10%.
Goin' Commando – Costs 50 Energy. 150 Second Cooldown. Fires 18 times per second dealing 13 base physical damage per shot for 10 seconds.
Debilitating Shots – Dealing Ranged Damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
Lingering Pain – The Vulnerability effect from Debilitating Shots can. Is stack up to 5 times.
Steady Aim – Reduces Recoil by 29%.

NO.4 What Hero should use in the Tactical Bonus for the Urban Assault Headhunter?
If you don't get the Keep Out grenade effect, then I wouldn't mod her grenades, as they keep out shells are the best in the game. If I ran her, I would probably use Master Grenadier Ramirez for her survivor perk. I don't remember if UAH gets the survival perk. That way she can heal when she kills stuff. Although she does use assault rifles and would likely stay out of most damage, so you could go with something to potentially help her DPS if there is such a thing in that slot. Nothing comes to mind though.
If in fact, grenade mods modify her keep out grenades and doesn't overtake it, then Cluster bombs would be impressive, but I have yet to test it. It would be pretty cool to have your initial AOE plasma field and then have clusters do additional damage or whatever.
You could always use Raven's tactical perk, but I've found it to be somewhat unreliable. It works and all, just not when you need it.

NO.5 How to get Urban Assault Headhunter
If you want specific heroes: buy superhero llamas. Your chance to get the hero you wish to is still quite sad, but it's easier to pull something useful. There is also a llama for survivors and heroes, but the tons of survivors will mess up the hero drop rate...
as for me: most of my friends play mythic soldier or urban assault, they were drops out of their very first llamas while loaded with useless outlanders. In fact, I got so many of them, and I have every Outlander in the collection and legendary versions in my stash. Including the mythic.
But yeah, llamas are tough luck sometimes, you should check how to get the best chances for your drop.

NO.6 Urban Assault Headhunter Weapon Choices
Honestly play with whatever weapon fits your play style. We Suggest the Founders Raptor (have one also and it is an excellent weapon to conserve ammo). But of the guns, you show the Longarm Enforcer and the Razorwire are the two best ones.
Weapon Perks Ranking
- element + affliction
- element
- damage
- crit chance + crit damage, or affliction damage with affliction 
- headshot damage
- magazine size
- fire rate
- reload speed
- durability
- reduced recoil
Some guns may benefit more from reload than mag size or other variations, but the top 4 are almost always accurate.

NO.7 Urban Assault Headhunter Guides
Her real bonus is the constant partial warcry she passively gets while continually head shotting, so any weapon becomes a fast firing weapon in her hands as long as you keep tagging heads. AR's are the soldier's wheelhouse, and anyone is beautiful with a shredder, she'd be able to pump out the shots and reload it faster, so yeah, even better. ;)
If you have two UA's, then she can be your support slot as well, offering extra headshot damage, which is never bad considering she feeds off headshots.
If you have an AR with a solid crit chance% like 40-50+% to crit chance, then she can get even more disgusting with Sergeant Jonesy in support. Tac slot tends to be whatever you have that gives the best stat bonus, since higher up Banshee's stun grenade slot perk doesn't really stun much unless you pop 2 grenades on the same cluster of mobs, which defeats the purpose of ticking dot damage with her keep out effect of her weapons to add passive damage to areas. (even though higher up the Damage drops off unless you go HAM with +tech, even then maybe still not worth the bother). PS Izza gives an extra dot effect on grenades as well for tactical, but it comes down to what you have versus what you could have.

Pretty much any weapon that hits hard and lets you get off nice and easy headshots. The good thing is that she doesn't lose damage when not using an assault rifle, unlike many other soldiers.
I'd probably go with shredder and then a mix of 2 of the following for different ammo type usage.
Light Ammo: Full-auto AR, Burst AR or the new Hydraulic full-auto AR.
Medium Ammo: Scoped Burst AR, LMG, Semi-Auto AR or Dual Shot semi-auto AR
Energy Cells: Death Ray
But it all depends on stats and damage type. I've become kinda allergic the higher I get to use weapons with primary "physical" damage, So I'm very picky and use only weapons with energy damage or a specific elemental type. Right now on my Banshee, I use Hydra (energy), Burst AR (water) and Death Ray (energy). I used to love my Raptor, but it sits there with generic damage which is a pain in the hiney when you face hordes of elementals. It's a bonus if you can get energy or a specific elemental type with affliction (if they ever get around to fixing the bugs with it not applying).

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