The Most Complete Fortnite Berserker Guide

Game: Fortnite
Time: 2023-02-13
Views: 7384

Berserker is really a Specialty Soldier Hero subclass available in Fortnite: Save the World. The number of perks and abilities will depend on the hero's maximum evolution and level. Within this Post, U4GM will share The Most Complete Fortnite Berserker Guide for you personally!




Squad Bonuses

Skin - Renegade

Skin - Headhunter

Skin - Wukong




Advanced Tactics★EvoRanged weapon damage increased by 10%. Health increased by 10%.
Debilitating Shots2Dealing ranged damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% on the target for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
Explosive Optimization8Reduces the energy cost of Shockwave to 15.
Hold Still18Replace Shockwave knockback with increased impact and 2.5 second enemy stun.
Kneecapper30Increases the effectiveness of Debilitating Shots
Vulnerability stacks to 9%.
Leadership15Reduces the cooldown of War Cry to 60 seconds.
Short Fuze25Refresh Shockwave when the Soldier's shield breaks.
Survivalist5Killing an enemy with an ability or weapon recovers 3 base health per second over 3 seconds. Kills reset the healing duration. Will not activate on full health.
Up Close And Personal12War Cry applies 3 stacks of Debilitating Shots to nearby enemies.



Frag Grenade★★★EvoThe Soldier throws a frag grenade detonating after a few seconds, dealing a base of 101 energy damage in a 0.5 tile radius.
Shockwave1The Soldier emits a shockwave, knocking back enemies within 1 tile range and dealing a base of 75 energy damage.
War Cry★★EvoGive a War Cry, affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles for 10 seconds. Grants 40% more damage and 40% attack speed for ranged weapons and 40% more damage and 16% attack speed for melee weapons.


Squad Bonuses

When place into a squad slot around the Hero screen, a soldier can give either a passive support or tactical bonus. Some call for a specific Principal Hero to work with. Skills which have percentages modify based on the star level.


Assault DamageIncreases assault weapon damage by 12%/18%/24%.


Hold StillReplace Shockwave knockback with increased impact and 2.5 second enemy stun.
Requires Soldier as Primary.


Berserker Skin - Renegade

Berserker Renegade is a gender swapped reskin, so same abilities, manlier package, and only available from the Spring It On event. Berserker Renegade comes in only Legendary rarity.


Berserker Renegade Base Stats:

Health – 649

Health Regen – 15

Shield – 228

Shield Regen – 57

Movement Speed – 365

Sprint Speed – 550


Berserker Renegade Squad Bonus:

Assault Damage – Increases assault weapon damage by 12%

Hold Still – Tactical – Replace shockwave knockback with increased impact and a 2.5 second enemy stun. Requires – Soldier


Berserker Renegade Abilities

1-Star Evolution

Advanced Weapon Tactics – Ranged Weapon Damage increased by 10%. Health Increased by 10%.

Shockwave – Costs 30 Energy. 30 Second Cooldown. The Soldier emits a Shockwave, knocking back enemies within 1 tile range and dealing 157.8 Energy damage.

Debilitating Shots – Dealing Ranged Damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.'

Survivalist – 2 Second Cooldown. Killing an enemy with a Ranged Weapon heals 5 base health.

Explosive Optimization – Reduces the energy cost of shockwave by 15.


2-Star Evolution

War Cry – Costs 50 Energy. 90 Second Cooldown. Give a War Cry affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles. Grants 50% more damage for Ranged and Melee weapons. Also grants 50% Attack Speed for Ranged weapons and 20% Attack Speed for Melee weapons. Ability lasts for 10 seconds. Effects of War Cry do not stack.

In a Pinch – Increases weapon reload speed by 35% if the magazine is empty.

Leadership – Reduces the cooldown of War Cry by 30 seconds

Hold Still – Replaces shockwave knockback with increased impact and a 2.5 second stun


3-Star Evolution

Frag Grenade – Costs 45 Energy. Costs one Ammo: Frag Grenade. Ammo regen time: 25 Seconds. The Soldier throws a Frag Grenade detonating after a few seconds dealing 545.9 Energy damage in a .5 tile radius. The Soldier carries a maximum of 3 Frag Grenades.

Short Fuze – Refresh shockwave when the soldier's shield breaks. Can happen once ever 8 seconds.

Up Close and Personal – War Cry applies 45% vulnerability to all nearby enemies.


Berserker Skin - Headhunter

Berserk Headhunter is oriented towards a high War Cry uptime with a selection of skills to enhance survivability. This hero was available throughout the Spring It On event. Berserker Headhunter comes in Epic and Legendary rarity.



Berserker Headhunter Squad Bonus:

Assault Damage – Increases assault weapon damage by 12%

Hold Still – Tactical – Replace shockwave knockback with increased impact and a 2.5 second enemy stun. Requires – Soldier


Berserker Headhunter Base Stats:

Health – 649

Health Regen – 15

Shield – 228

Shield Regen – 57

Movement Speed – 365

Sprint Speed – 550


Berserker Headhunter Abilities

1-Star Evolution

Advanced Weapon Tactics – Ranged Weapon Damage increased by 10%. Health Increased by 10%.

Shockwave – Costs 30 Energy. 30 Second Cooldown. The Soldier emits a Shockwave, knocking back enemies within 1 tile range and dealing 157.8 Energy damage.

Debilitating Shots – Dealing Ranged Damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.'

Survivalist – 2 Second Cooldown. Killing an enemy with a Ranged Weapon heals 5 base health.

Explosive Optimization – Reduces the energy cost of shockwave by 15.


2-Star Evolution

War Cry – Costs 50 Energy. 90 Second Cooldown. Give a War Cry affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles. Grants 50% more damage for Ranged and Melee weapons. Also grants 50% Attack Speed for Ranged weapons and 20% Attack Speed for Melee weapons. Ability lasts for 10 seconds. Effects of War Cry do not stack.

In a Pinch – Increases weapon reload speed by 35% if the magazine is empty.

Leadership – Reduces the cooldown of War Cry by 30 seconds.

Hold Still – Replaces shockwave knockback with increased impact and a 2.5 second stun.


3-Star Evolution

Frag Grenade – Costs 45 Energy. Costs one Ammo: Frag Grenade. Ammo regen time: 25 Seconds. The Soldier throws a Frag Grenade detonating after a few seconds dealing 545.9 Energy damage in a .5 tile radius. The Soldier carries a maximum of 3 Frag Grenades.

Short Fuze – Refresh shockwave when the soldier's shield breaks. Can happen once ever 8 seconds.

Up Close and Personal – War Cry applies 45% vulnerability to all nearby enemies.


Berserker Skin - Wukong

Wukong is accessible in only mythic rarity, and nevertheless a reskin of a legendary hero, this implies he has legendary-level stats. In hands down the coolest reskin job to date, we have Wukong who appeared for the duration of Fortnite's Lunar New Years event inside the Event Store. As cool as this classic Journey towards the West-style Goku is, he is nevertheless just a reskin of Berserker Headhunter, a hero released previously inside the occasion.


Berserker Wukong Squad Bonus:

Assault Damage – Increases assault weapon damage by 12%

Hold Still – Tactical – Replace shockwave knockback with increased impact and a 2.5 second enemy stun. Requires – Soldier


Berserker Wukong Base Stats:

Health – 649

Health Regen – 15

Shield – 228

Shield Regen – 57

Movement Speed – 365

Sprint Speed – 550


Berserker Wukong Abilities

1-Star Evolution

Advanced Weapon Tactics – Ranged Weapon Damage increased by 10%. Health Increased by 10%.

Shockwave – Costs 30 Energy. 30 Second Cooldown. The Soldier emits a Shockwave, knocking back enemies within 1 tile range and dealing 157.8 Energy damage.

Debilitating Shots – Dealing Ranged Damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.'

Survivalist – 2 Second Cooldown. Killing an enemy with a Ranged Weapon heals 5 base health.

Explosive Optimization – Reduces the energy cost of shockwave by 15.


2-Star Evolution

War Cry – Costs 50 Energy. 90 Second Cooldown. Give a War Cry affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles. Grants 50% more damage for Ranged and Melee weapons. Also grants 50% Attack Speed for Ranged weapons and 20% Attack Speed for Melee weapons. Ability lasts for 10 seconds. Effects of War Cry do not stack.

In a Pinch – Increases weapon reload speed by 35% if the magazine is empty.

Leadership – Reduces the cooldown of War Cry by 30 seconds.

Hold Still – Replaces shockwave knockback with increased impact and a 2.5 second stun.


3-Star Evolution

Frag Grenade – Costs 45 Energy. Costs one Ammo: Frag Grenade. Ammo regen time: 25 Seconds. The Soldier throws a Frag Grenade detonating after a few seconds dealing 545.9 Energy damage in a .5 tile radius. The Soldier carries a maximum of 3 Frag Grenades.

Short Fuze – Refresh shockwave when the soldier's shield breaks. Can happen once ever 8 seconds.

Up Close and Personal – War Cry applies 45% vulnerability to all nearby enemies.

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