The Most Complete Fortnite Soldier Hero Guide - Demolisher

Game: Fortnite
Time: 2023-02-13
Views: 1259

The Most Complete Fortnite Soldier Hero Guide - Demolisher

Demolisher is a Specialty Soldier Hero available in the game. The number of perks and abilities depends on the hero's maximum evolution and level. Demolisher seemed like an attempt to make a soldier that had "the other half" of grenadier's skills that weren't given to any other soldiers. Demolisher is a decent soldier, if you think you will have fun with him feel free to level him up. Demolisher is a solid easily farmable soldier choice for stone/plank/canny. If you need any of Fortnite Items, you can buy on U4GM, cheap and fast deliver, you can have a try!




Squad Bonuses

Skin - Battle Hound Jonesy

Skin - Highland Warrior Wildcat

Skin - Luck Demolisher Wildcat



Advanced Tactics★EvoRanged weapon damage increased by 10%. Health increased by 10%.
Cluster Bomb30Frag Grenade releases 6 cluster explosions around the impact site that will each do 25% of the original damage.
Debilitating Shots2Dealing ranged damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% on the target for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
Explosive Rounds5Killing 10 enemies with a ranged weapon deals X damage in a 1 tile radius. Count resets after 15 seconds without a kill.
Grenade Generation12Every 30 kills with a ranged weapon grants 1 Frag Grenade. Count resets after 15 seconds without a kill.
Make It Rain18Headshotting enemies increases ranged weapon rate of fire by 25% for 5 seconds.
Mighty Roar15Increases the range of War Cry by 55%.
Pull the Pin8Reduces the cost of Frag Grenades to 15 energy.
Shock and Awe25Shockwave applies Slow to damaged targets, reducing their movement and attack speed by 30% for 4.5 seconds.


Frag Grenade1The Soldier throws a frag grenade detonating after a few seconds, dealing a base of 101 energy damage in a 0.5 tile radius.
Shockwave★★★EvoThe Soldier emits a shockwave, knocking back enemies within 1 tile range and dealing a base of 75 energy damage.
War Cry★★EvoGive a War Cry, affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles for 10 seconds. Grants 40% more damage and 40% attack speed for ranged weapons and 40% more damage and 16% attack speed for melee weapons.

Squad Bonuses

When place into a squad slot around the Hero screen, a soldier can give either a passive support or tactical bonus. Some call for a specific Principal Hero to work with. Abilities which have percentages modify based on the star level.


RucksackIncrease max grenade ammo by 2.
Requires Soldier as Primary.


Skin - Battle Hound Jonesy

Battle Hound Jonesy may search Celticly badass, but he is truly simply a reskin with the new hero with the Christmas Celebration, Snow Stalker Jonesy. Battle Hound Jonesy only is available in Famous rarity. They will choose our well-rolled weapons, nonetheless they can by no means just take out freedom! Included as part of Fortnite's Lunar New Years, Valentine's Day, and now evidently St. Patrick's Working day event.



Demolisher Battle Hound Jonesy Base Stats:

Health – 649

Health Regen – 15

Shield – 228

Shield Regen – 57

Movement Speed – 365

Sprint Speed – 550


Demolisher Battle Hound Jonesy Squad Bonus:

Rucksack – Increases your grenade amount by 2. Does not stack. Tactical bonuses are applied to your Primary Hero when this Hero is in your Tactical slot. Requires: Soldier Primary Hero.


Demolisher Battle Hound Jonesy Abilities

1-Star Evolution

Advanced Weapon Tactics – Ranged Weapon Damage increased by 10%. Health Increased by 10%.

Frag Grenade – Costs 45 Energy. Costs one Ammo: Frag Grenade. Ammo regen time: 25 Seconds. The Soldier throws a Frag Grenade detonating after a few seconds dealing 531.3 Energy damage in a .5 tile radius. The Soldier carries a maximum of 3 Frag Grenades.

Debilitating Shots – Dealing Ranged Damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

Explosive Rounds – Killing 10 enemies with a ranged weapon deal explosive damage in a 1 tile radius. Count will reset after 15 seconds without a kill.

Pull the Pin – Reduces the cost of Frag Grenade to 15 Energy.


2-Star Evolution

War Cry – Costs 50 Energy. 90 Second Cooldown. Give a War Cry affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles. Grants 50% more damage for Ranged and Melee weapons. Also grants 50% Attack Speed for Ranged weapons and 20% Attack Speed for Melee weapons. Ability lasts for 10 seconds. Effects of War Cry do not stack.

Grenade Generation – Every 30 kills with a ranged weapons restores 1 frag grenade. Count will reset after 15 seconds without a kill.

Mighty Roar – Increases the range of War Cry by 55%.

Make It Rain – Headshotting enemies increased ranged weapon rate of fire by 25% for 5 seconds.


3-Star Evolution

Shockwave – Costs 30 Energy. 30 Second Cooldown. The Soldier emits a Shockwave, knocking back enemies within 1 tile range and dealing 157.8 Energy damage.

Shock and Awe – Shockwave applies slow to enemies, reducing movement speed by 30% for 4.5 seconds.

Cluster Bomb – Frag Grenade releases 6 cluster explosions around the impact site that will each do 20% of the original damage.


Skin - Highland Warrior Wildcat

Highland Warrior Wildcat might look Celticly badass, but she is seriously just a reskin with the new hero in the Christmas Occasion, Snow Stalker Jonesy. Highland Warrior Wildcat only comes in Legendary rarity. There can only be one! And this one particular appears quite great! Added as part of Fortnite's Lunar New Years, Valentine's Day, and now apparently St. Patrick's Day event.



Demolisher Highland Warrior Wildcat Squad Bonus:

Rucksack – Increases your grenade amount by 2. Does not stack. Tactical bonuses are applied to your Primary Hero when this Hero is in your Tactical slot. Requires: Soldier Primary Hero.


Demolisher Highland Warrior Wildcat Base Stats:

Health – 649

Health Regen – 15

Shield – 228

Shield Regen – 57

Movement Speed – 365

Sprint Speed – 550


Demolisher Highland Warrior Wildcat Abilities

1-Star Evolution

Advanced Weapon Tactics – Ranged Weapon Damage increased by 10%. Health Increased by 10%.

Frag Grenade – Costs 45 Energy. Costs one Ammo: Frag Grenade. Ammo regen time: 25 Seconds. The Soldier throws a Frag Grenade detonating after a few seconds dealing 531.3 Energy damage in a .5 tile radius. The Soldier carries a maximum of 3 Frag Grenades.

Debilitating Shots – Dealing Ranged Damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

Explosive Rounds – Killing 10 enemies with a ranged weapon deal explosive damage in a 1 tile radius. Count will reset after 15 seconds without a kill.

Pull the Pin – Reduces the cost of Frag Grenade to 15 Energy.


2-Star Evolution

War Cry – Costs 50 Energy. 90 Second Cooldown. Give a War Cry affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles. Grants 50% more damage for Ranged and Melee weapons. Also grants 50% Attack Speed for Ranged weapons and 20% Attack Speed for Melee weapons. Ability lasts for 10 seconds. Effects of War Cry do not stack.

Grenade Generation – Every 30 kills with a ranged weapons restores 1 frag grenade. Count will reset after 15 seconds without a kill.

Mighty Roar – Increases the range of War Cry by 55%.

Make It Rain – Headshotting enemies increased ranged weapon rate of fire by 25% for 5 seconds.


3-Star Evolution

Shockwave – Costs 30 Energy. 30 Second Cooldown. The Soldier emits a Shockwave, knocking back enemies within 1 tile range and dealing 157.8 Energy damage.

Shock and Awe – Shockwave applies slow to enemies, reducing movement speed by 30% for 4.5 seconds.

Cluster Bomb – Frag Grenade releases 6 cluster explosions around the impact site that will each do 20% of the original damage.

Skin - Luck Demolisher Wildcat

Luck Demolisher Wildcat might appear Celticly badass, but she is seriously just a reskin with the new hero from the Christmas Event, Snow Stalker Jonesy. Luck Demolisher Wildcat only comes in Legendary rarity. Hey appear, a stereotype! Added as component of Fortnite's Lunar New Years, Valentine's Day, and now apparently St. Patrick's Day event.


Luck Demolisher Wildcat Squad Bonus:

Rucksack – Increases your grenade amount by 2. Does not stack. Tactical bonuses are applied to your Primary Hero when this Hero is in your Tactical slot. Requires: Soldier Primary Hero.


Luck Demolisher Wildcat Base Stats:

Health – 649

Health Regen – 15

Shield – 228

Shield Regen – 57

Movement Speed – 365

Sprint Speed – 550


Luck Demolisher Wildcat Abilities

1-Star Evolution

Advanced Weapon Tactics – Ranged Weapon Damage increased by 10%. Health Increased by 10%.

Frag Grenade – Costs 45 Energy. Costs one Ammo: Frag Grenade. Ammo regen time: 25 Seconds. The Soldier throws a Frag Grenade detonating after a few seconds dealing 531.3 Energy damage in a .5 tile radius. The Soldier carries a maximum of 3 Frag Grenades.

Debilitating Shots – Dealing Ranged Damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

Explosive Rounds – Killing 10 enemies with a ranged weapon deal explosive damage in a 1 tile radius. Count will reset after 15 seconds without a kill.

Pull the Pin – Reduces the cost of Frag Grenade to 15 Energy.


2-Star Evolution

War Cry – Costs 50 Energy. 90 Second Cooldown. Give a War Cry affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles. Grants 50% more damage for Ranged and Melee weapons. Also grants 50% Attack Speed for Ranged weapons and 20% Attack Speed for Melee weapons. Ability lasts for 10 seconds. Effects of War Cry do not stack.

Grenade Generation – Every 30 kills with a ranged weapons restores 1 frag grenade. Count will reset after 15 seconds without a kill.

Mighty Roar – Increases the range of War Cry by 55%.

Make It Rain – Headshotting enemies increased ranged weapon rate of fire by 25% for 5 seconds.


3-Star Evolution

Shockwave – Costs 30 Energy. 30 Second Cooldown. The Soldier emits a Shockwave, knocking back enemies within 1 tile range and dealing 157.8 Energy damage.

Shock and Awe – Shockwave applies slow to enemies, reducing movement speed by 30% for 4.5 seconds.

Cluster Bomb – Frag Grenade releases 6 cluster explosions around the impact site that will each do 20% of the original damage.

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