PoE 2 Currency Exchange Rates January, 2025

Game: Path of Exile 2
Time: 2024-12-31
Views: 2039

Currency Exchange Rates   |   Essences   |   Catalysts   |   Distilled emotions   |   Omens   |   Runes   |   Soul cores

List of PoE 2 Currency Exchange Rates January, 2025

NameGuideExchange RateFarm Locations
Arcanist's EtcherAdds quality to a wand, sceptre, or staff. 
The maximum quality is 20%.
1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. 
Obtained by salvaging wands, staves, or sceptres with quality.
Armourer's ScrapImproves the quality of an armour(Body armours, Boots, Gloves, Helmets, Shields). 
The maximum quality is 20%.
1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. 
Obtained by salvaging armour with quality.
Blacksmith's WhetstoneAdds quality to a martial weapon. 
The maximum quality is 20%.
1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. 
Obtained by salvaging martial weapons with quality.
Gemcutter's PrismImproves the quality of a skill gem. 
The maximum quality is 20%.
3x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. Drop Level: 12+.
Glassblower's BaubleImproves the quality of a flask. 
The maximum quality is 20%.
1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. Drop Level: 12+.
Chaos OrbRemoves a random modifier and adds a random modifier to a rare item.3x Exalted OrbChaos Orb can drop anywhere. Drop Level: 12+.
Divine OrbRandomizes the numeric values of modifiers on an item.60x Chaos OrbCan drop anywhere. Drop Level: 35+.
Exalted OrbAdd another modifier to a rare item.1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere.
Orb of TransmutationUpgrade a normal item to magic, guaranteeing 1 modifier.1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. 
A stack of 10 Transmutation Shard becomes an Orb of Transmutation. 
Transmutation Shard can drop anywhere. Can also be obtained from disenchanting magic items.
Orb of AugmentationAdd an explicit modifier to a magic item with 1 modifier.1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere.
Regal OrbUpgrade a magic item to rare, adding a modifier in the process.1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. 
A stack of 10 Regal Shard becomes a Regal Orb. 
Regal Shard can drop anywhere. Can also be obtained from disenchanting rare items.
Orb of AlchemyUpgrades a normal item to a rare item with 4 modifiers1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere.
Orb of ChanceRandomly upgrade a normal item into a unique item, if possible, or destroys it.6x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. Drop Level: 12+. 
A stack of 10 Chance Shard becomes an Orb of Chance. 
Chance Shard can drop anywhere. Can also be obtained from disenchanting unique items.
Orb of AnnulmentRemove a random modifier from a magic or rare item.4x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. Drop Level: 35+.
Artificer's OrbAdds an item socket to an armour or martial weapon.1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. 
A stack of 10 Artificer's Shard becomes an Artificer's Orb. 
Artificer's Shard can be obtained by salvaging items with item sockets.
Lesser Jeweller's OrbAdds a gem socket to a skill gem with 2 sockets.1x Exalted OrbCan drop anywhere. Drop Level: 25+(higher chance to drop in grass biome maps with the Local Knowledge node from the atlas passive tree)
Greater Jeweller's OrbAdds a gem socket to a skill gem with 3 sockets.1x Divine OrbCan drop anywhere. Drop Level: 45+(higher chance to drop in grass biome maps with the Local Knowledge node from the atlas passive tree)
Perfect Jeweller's OrbAdds a gem socket to a skill gem with 4 sockets.3x Divine OrbCan drop anywhere. Drop Level: 65+(higher chance to drop in grass biome maps with the Local Knowledge node from the atlas passive tree)
Vaal OrbCorrupts an item, modifying it unpredictably and preventing it from being further modified.1x Exalted OrbVaal Orb can drop anywhere. Drop Level: 35+. 
Can also be obtained as a possible reward in the Trial of Chaos.
Scroll of WisdomIdentify an unidentified item.1x Scroll of WisdomCan drop anywhere. It has the highest drop rates.
Mirror of KalandraCreates a mirrored copy of an item600x Divine OrbCan drop anywhere. Drop Level: 35+. It has the rarest drop rates.

You might want to buy PoE 2 currency before attempting difficult bosses.


Essences upgrades the item's rarity and adds a modifier of a specific category. Drop from monsters frozen in essences. Drop Level: 10+.

NameTagGuideExchange Rate
Essence of BattleAttackUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Attack modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of BattleAttackUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Attack modifier5x Exalted Orb
Essence of ElectricityLightningUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Lightning modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of ElectricityLightningUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Lightning modifier1x Divine Orb
Essence of EnhancementDefenceUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Defence modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of EnhancementDefenceUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Defence modifier1x Divine Orb
Essence of FlamesFireUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Fire modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of FlamesFireUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Fire modifier5x Exalted Orb
Essence of HasteSpeedUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Speed modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of HasteSpeedUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one speed modifier2x Divine Orb
Essence of IceColdUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Cold modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of IceColdUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Cold modifier1x Divine Orb
Essence of RuinChaosUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Chaos modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of RuinChaosUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Chaos modifier1x Divine Orb
Essence of SorceryCasterUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Caster modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of SorceryCasterUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Caster modifier1x Divine Orb
Essence of the BodyLifeUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Life modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of the BodyLifeUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Life modifier4x Exalted Orb
Essence of the InfiniteAttributeUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Attribute modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of the InfiniteAttributeUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Attribute modifier1x Divine Orb
Essence of the MindManaUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Mana modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of the MindManaUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Mana modifier1x Divine Orb
Essence of TormentPhysicalUpgrades a normal item to Magic with one Physical modifier1x Exalted Orb
Greater Essence of TormentPhysicalUpgrades a Magic item to a Rare item with one Physical modifier1x Divine Orb


Catalysts can add special quality types to rings and amulets that enhance the magnitude of modifiers of a specified type. These quality types replace other quality types. Drop from Breach encounters. Drop Level: 10+.

NameTagGuideExchange Rate
Adaptive CatalystAttributeAdds quality that enhances Attribute modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Carapace CatalystDefenceAdds quality that enhances Defence modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Chayula's CatalystChaosAdds quality that enhances Chaos modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Esh's CatalystLightningAdds quality that enhances Lightning modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Flesh CatalystLifeAdds quality that enhances Life modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Neural CatalystManaAdds quality that enhances Mana modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Reaver CatalystAttackAdds quality that enhances Attack modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Sibilant CatalystCasterAdds quality that enhances Caster modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Skittering CatalystSpeedAdds quality that enhances Speed modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Tul's CatalystColdAdds quality that enhances Cold modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Uul-Netol's CatalystPhysicalAdds quality that enhances Physical modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb
Xoph's CatalystFireAdds quality that enhances Fire modifiers on a ring or amulet 
Replaces other quality types
1x Exalted Orb

Distilled emotions vendor recipes

Distilled Emotions are Currency items that are exclusive drops from the Delirium mechanic. Distilled Emotions allow you to instil an amulet with a Notable Skill from the Passive Tree. Maps can also be instilled, adding various rewards while making them more challenging.

TierNameWaystone modifiersVendor RecipeExchange Rate
1Distilled IrePlayers in Area are 7% Delirious 
20% increased Magic Monsters
3x Distilled Ire -> 1x Distilled Guilt1x Exalted Orb
2Distilled GuiltPlayers in Area are 9% Delirious 
8% increased Pack Size
3x Distilled Guilt -> 1x Distilled Greed1x Exalted Orb
3Distilled GreedPlayers in Area are 10% Delirious 
8% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
3x Distilled Greed -> 1x Distilled Paranoia1x Exalted Orb
4Distilled ParanoiaPlayers in Area are 12% Delirious 
15% increased number of Rare Monsters
3x Distilled Paranoia -> 1x Distilled Envy2x Exalted Orb
5Distilled EnvyPlayers in Area are 15% Delirious 
30% increased Waystones found in Area
3x Distilled Envy -> 1x Distilled Disgust4x Exalted Orb
6Distilled DisgustPlayers in Area are 18% Delirious 
30% increased Precursor Tablets found in Area
3x Distilled Disgust -> 1x Distilled Despair1x Divine Orb
7Distilled DespairPlayers in Area are 20% Delirious 
30% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found in Area
3x Distilled Despair -> 1x Distilled Fear1x Divine Orb
8Distilled FearPlayers in Area are 22% Delirious 
Rare Monsters have a 25% chance to have an additional Modifier
3x Distilled Fear -> 1x Distilled Suffering1x Divine Orb
9Distilled SufferingPlayers in Area are 25% Delirious 
Unique Monsters have 1 additional Modifier
3x Distilled Suffering -> Distilled Isolation2x Divine Orb
10Distilled IsolationPlayers in Area are 50% Delirious-5x Divine Orb

Can be combined with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium.


Activating an omen will guarantee a specified outcome when its condition is met. Once triggered, the omen is consumed. Omens are Currency items that are exclusive drops from the Ritual mechanic. Omens enable exclusive meta-crafting effects, allowing for more specialised crafting. Only one non-crafting omen can be used per zone instance.

NameTagGuideExchange Rate
Omen of CorruptionVaal OrbWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Vaal Orb will be more unpredictable
1x Divine Orb
Omen of Dextral AlchemyOrb of AlchemyWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Orb of Alchemy will result in the maximum number of suffix modifiers
1x Exalted Orb
Omen of Sinistral AlchemyOrb of AlchemyWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Orb of Alchemy will result in the maximum number of prefix modifiers
1x Exalted Orb
Omen of Dextral AnnulmentOrb of AnnulmentWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Orb of Annulment will remove only suffix modifiers
20x Divine Orb
Omen of Sinistral AnnulmentOrb of AnnulmentWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Orb of Annulment will remove only prefix modifiers
18x Divine Orb
Omen of Greater AnnulmentOrb of AnnulmentWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Orb of Annulment will remove two modifiers
4x Exalted Orb
Omen of Dextral CoronationRegal OrbWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Regal Orb will add only suffix modifiers
1x Exalted Orb
Omen of Sinistral CoronationRegal OrbWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Regal Orb will add only prefix modifiers
1x Exalted Orb
Omen of Dextral ErasureChaos OrbWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Chaos Orb will remove only suffix modifiers
15x Divine Orb
Omen of Sinistral ErasureChaos OrbWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Chaos Orb will remove only prefix modifiers
15x Divine Orb
Omen of WhittlingChaos OrbWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Chaos Orb will remove the lowest level modifier
6x Divine Orb
Omen of Dextral ExaltationExalted OrbWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Exalted Orb will add only suffix modifiers
1x Exalted Orb
Omen of Sinistral ExaltationExalted OrbWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Exalted Orb will add only prefix modifiers
1x Exalted Orb
Omen of Greater ExaltationExalted OrbWhile this item is active in your inventory your next 
Exalted Orb will add two random modifiers
1x Exalted Orb
Omen of AmeliorationExperienceWhile this item is active in your inventory will 
prevent 75% of Experience loss when you die
1x Divine Orb
Omen of RefreshmentFlask and charmWhile this item is active in your inventory will 
fully recover your flask and charm charges when you reach Low Life
1x Exalted Orb
Omen of ResurgenceLife, Mana and Energy ShieldWhile this item is active in your inventory will 
fully recover your Life, Mana and Energy Shield when you reach Low Life
2x Exalted Orb


Ezomyte runes are items that can be socketed into martial weapons and armour. Socketed runes will add enchantment modifiers to their items, granting generic offensive modifiers to martial weapons and defensive modifiers to armour. Once socketed, runes cannot be removed. Runes are mechanically similar to soul cores. Can drop anywhere.

NameMartial WeaponArmourExchange Rate
Desert RuneAdds 7 to 11 Fire Damage+12% to Fire Resistance1x Exalted Orb
Glacial RuneAdds 6 to 10 Cold Damage+12% to Cold Resistance1x Exalted Orb
Storm RuneAdds 1 to 20 Lightning Damage+12% to Lightning Resistance1x Exalted Orb
Inspiration RuneGain 10 Mana per Enemy Killed15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate1x Exalted Orb
Iron Rune20% increased Physical Damage20% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield1x Exalted Orb
Body RuneLeeches 3% of Physical Damage as Life+25 to maximum Life1x Exalted Orb
Mind RuneLeeches 2% of Physical Damage as Mana+20 to maximum Mana1x Exalted Orb
Rebirth RuneGain 20 Life per Enemy KilledRegenerate 0.3% of Life per second1x Exalted Orb
Stone RuneCauses 25% increased Stun Buildup +40 to Stun Threshold1x Exalted Orb
Vision Rune+100 to Accuracy Rating10% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks1x Exalted Orb

Soul cores

Soul cores are currency items that can be socketed into martial weapons and armour. Socketed soul cores will add enchantment modifiers to their items, granting rare or unusual offensive modifiers to martial weapons and defensive modifiers to armour. Once socketed, soul cores cannot be removed. Soul cores are exclusive to the Trial of Chaos and are mechanically identical to runes.

NameMartial WeaponArmourExchange Rate
Soul Core of AtmohuaConvert 20% of Requirements to StrengthConvert 20% of Requirements to Strength1x Exalted Orb
Soul Core of CholotlConvert 20% of Requirements to DexterityConvert 20% of Requirements to Dexterity1x Exalted Orb
Soul Core of ZantipiConvert 20% of Requirements to IntelligenceConvert 20% of Requirements to Intelligence1x Exalted Orb
Soul Core of Tacati15% chance to Poison on Hit+7% to Chaos Resistance6x Exalted Orb
Soul Core of Tzamoto20% increased Freeze Buildup+1% to Maximum Cold Resistance1x Divine Orb
Soul Core of Puhuarte 30% increased chance to Ignite+1% to Maximum Fire Resistance1x Divine Orb
Soul Core of Xopec 30% increased chance to Shock+1% to Maximum Lightning Resistance1x Divine Orb
Soul Core of Citaqualotl30% increased Elemental Damage with Attacks+5% to all Elemental Resistances6x Exalted Orb
Soul Core of Opiloti15% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit10% increased Charm Charges gained3x Exalted Orb
Soul Core of Quipolatl5% increased Attack Speed10% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You1x Divine Orb
Soul Core of Ticaba+12% to Critical Damage BonusHits against you have 10% reduced Critical Damage Bonus5x Exalted Orb
Soul Core of TopotanteAttacks with this Weapon Penetrate 15% Elemental Resistances15% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold4x Exalted Orb
Soul Core of JiquaniRecover 2% of Life on Kill2% increased maximum Life1x Divine Orb
Soul Core of ZalatlRecover 2% of Mana on Kill2% increased maximum Mana1x Divine Orb
Soul Core of Azcapa+15 to Spirit10% increased Rarity of Items found3x Divine Orb
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