How To Get Every Promo A Card in Pokemon TCG Pocket?

Game: Pokemon TCG Pocket
Time: 2025-01-14
Views: 463

If you're an avid Pokémon TCG Pocket player, you're likely on the lookout for Promo A cards to strengthen your collection. These special cards can provide unique abilities or useful effects, and some are available for a limited time. Whether you're looking to buy cards or unlock them through events, here's a guide on how to get every Promo A card available in the game.

List of Pokemon TCG Pocket Promo A Card

Number and CardTypeAttacks and AbilitiesHow To Unlock
Promo-A 1 PotionItemHeal 20 damage from 1 of your PokémonBuy in the shop
Promo-A 2 X SpeedItemDuring this turn, the retreat cost of your active Pokémon is 1 lessBuy in the shop
Promo-A 3 Hand ScopeItemYour opponent reveals their handBuy in the shop
Promo-A 4 PokédexItemLook at the top 3 cards of your deckBuy in the shop
Promo-A 5 Poké BallItemPut 1 random basic Pokémon from your deck into your handBuy in the shop
Promo-A 6 Red CardItemYour opponent shuffles their hand into their deck and draws 3 cardsBuy in the shop
Promo-A 7 Professors ResearchSupporterDraw 2 cardsBuy in the shop
Promo-A 8 PokédexItemLook at the top 3 cards of your deckNot yet available
Promo-A 9 PikachuLightningGnaw (20)Buy in the Premium section of the shop
Promo-A 10 MewtwoPsychicPower Blast (120): Discard 2 psychic energy from this PokémonComplete the Premium Pass Subscription Mission of logging in. (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 11 ChanseyColorlessGentle Slap (60)Earned through Wonder Picks as part of the Meowth and Chansey Wonder Pick Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 12 MeowthColorlessPay Day (10): Draw a cardEarned through Wonder Picks as part of the Meowth and Chansey Wonder Pick Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 13 ButterfreeGrassGust (60) Powder Heal (Ability): Once during your turn, you may heal 20 damage from each of your PokémonRandomly dropped for winning battles in Lapras ex Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 14 Lapras exWaterBubble Drain (80): Heal 20 damage from this PokémonRandomly dropped for winning battles in Lapras ex Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 15 PikachuLightningGnaw (20)Randomly dropped for winning battles in Lapras ex Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 16 ClefairyPsychicSlap (20)Randomly dropped for winning battles in Lapras ex Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 17 MankeyFightingReckless Charge (30): This Pokémon also does 10 damage to itselfRandomly dropped for winning battles in Lapras ex Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 18 VenusaurGrassMega Drain (80): Heal 30 damage from this PokémonRandomly dropped for winning battles in Venusaur Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 19 GreninjaWaterMist Slash (60); Water Shuriken (Ability): Once during your turn, you may do 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s PokémonRandomly dropped for winning battles in Venusaur Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 20 HaunterPsychicSurprise Attack (50): Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.Randomly dropped for winning battles in Venusaur Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 21 OnixFightingLand Crush (70)Randomly dropped for winning battles in Venusaur Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 22 JigglypuffColorlessSing: Your opponent’s active Pokémon is now AsleepRandomly dropped for winning battles in Venusaur Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 23 BulbasaurGrassVine Whip (40)Earned through Wonder Picks as part of the Bulbasaur and Magnemite Wonder Pick Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 24 MagnemiteLightningLightning Ball (20)Earned through Wonder Picks as part of the Bulbasaur and Magnemite Wonder Pick Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 25 Moltres exFireInferno Dance: Flip 3 coins. Take an amount of fire energy from your energy zone equal to the number of heads and attach it to your benched fire Pokémon in any way you like. Heat Blast (70)Complete the Premium Pass Subscription Mission of logging in.
Promo-A 26 PikachuLightningGnaw (20)Complete missions in the New Year Event (Currently no longer available)
Promo-A 27 SnivyGrassTackle (20)Randomly dropped for winning battles in Blastoise Event (Event ends January 14)
Promo-A 28 VolcaronaFireVolcanic Ash: Discard 2 fire energy from this Pokémon. This attack does 80 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon.Randomly dropped for winning battles in Blastoise Event (Event ends January 14)
Promo-A 29 BlastoiseWaterHydro Pump (80+): If this Pokémon has at least 2 extra water energy attached, this attack does 60 more damage.Randomly dropped for winning battles in Blastoise Event (Event ends January 14)
Promo-A 30 EeveeColorlessGrowl: During your opponent’s next turn, attacks used by the defending Pokémon do –20 damage.Randomly dropped for winning battles in Blastoise Event (Event ends January 14)
Promo-A 31 CinccinoColorlessDo the Wave (30x): This attack does 30 damage for each of your benched Pokémon.Randomly dropped for winning battles in Blastoise Event (Event ends January 14)
Promo-A 32 CharmanderFireEmber (30): Discard a fire energy from this Pokémon.Earned through Wonder Picks as part of the Charmander and Squirtle Wonder Pick Event (Event ends January 21)
Promo-A 33 SquirtleWaterWater Gun (20)Earned through Wonder Picks as part of the Charmander and Squirtle Wonder Pick Event (Event ends January 21)

How to Get Promo A Cards: Buy Pokemon TCG Pocket Account for Sale

If you find yourself missing some of these cards or just want to speed up your progress, one option is to buy a Pokemon TCG Pocket account that already has the Promo A cards you're looking for. You can find accounts for sale on various platforms, where players sell their well-leveled accounts with rare or event-based cards. Make sure you use reputable sources when making such purchases to avoid scams.

Another option is to look for specific promo codes or offers on official or third-party websites that can help you unlock Promo A cards faster or get them for a reduced price.

Getting every Promo A card in Pokemon TCG Pocket requires a mix of in-game purchases, event participation, and strategic battling. While some cards are available through regular purchases in the shop, others can only be earned through events or Wonder Picks. Keep an eye on the latest events and be ready to buy Pokemon TCG Pocket account or cards if you want to get your hands on those limited-time promos. If you're looking for a shortcut to obtaining rare cards, exploring the Pokemon TCG Pocket account for sale could be a worthwhile option!

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