Service Description
Buy Mastery Rank boosts and increases your account level, unlocking new features and systems, progressing through the story, and accessing new activities.
Mastery Rank Boost Price
Mastery Rank | Boosting Price | Mastery Rank | Boosting Price |
1 ~ 5 | $ 21.3 | 10 ~ 15 | $ 31.8 |
15 ~ 20 | $ 31.8 | 20 ~ 25 | $ 31.8 |
25 ~ 30 | $ 31.8 | 1 ~ 30 | $ 153.8 |
With our Mastery leveling service, you will get:
Fast Mastery Leveling up to 30 levels;
Access to crafting and other systems;
A lot of Gold, Weapons, and crafting materials;
Special Operations & Void Intercepts unlocked on your character;
Chance to obtain high-tier Weapons and Modules;
All other loot that will drop during the boost.
Active account.
Fulfilling orders quickly is one of the most important things. U4GM staff will do everything possible to help you get your The First Descendant Boosting order as soon as possible.
U4GM offers the most competitive prices on the market. You can enjoy the best The First Descendant Boosting with the best prices!
For any reason that you want a refund before order delivered, U4GM will issue the refund within 24 hours.
Whenever you have any questions, problems, concerns, advice, you can reach us on live chat, Skype, Discord, e-mail. U4GM customer support 24/7 available for you.