Football Ultimate Team™ 25 - WINTER WILDCARDS

Game: FC 25
Time: 2024-12-24
Views: 583
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Winter Wildcards will deliver player upgrades inspired by past, present and potential future Ultimate Team campaigns. Everything is on the table when it comes to Winter Wildcards, look out for changes to Positions, Skill moves/weak foot, 99 stat upgrades, playstyles or even role+ and ++ assignments!  

In addition to Winter Wildcards ICONs, HEROES have been introduced this year - injecting an element of nostalgia in FUT during the holidays. As always, Winter Wildcards will bring a range of content including daily login, upgrade, player and challenge SBCs.

Check out the first Winter Wildcards Squad and the ‘Best of’ campaign squad that will also be available in packs!

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Season 4: Strength in Numbers

Season 4 officially kicks off in the second week of Winter Wildcards on Thursday December 26 2024 at 8 AM UTC. In this 5-week season, we will bring it back to basics with a celebration of Numbers and their importance in the World’s game - featuring NumeroFUT players in the Season Ladder ahead of the official campaign launch in January.

Based on community suggestions, Daily and Weekly SP Objectives will return in Season 4, providing consistent opportunities to progress in the mode of your choice whether it's Champs, Rivals, Rush or Squad Battles.

Look forward to even more in Season 4, including a refresh of the Weekly Rush Objectives and the next stop on the World Tour. This time, we’re heading to England, home to some of football’s most iconic holiday fixtures, as we honor the passion and traditions that define the sport.

Season 4 Mode Rewards

This season, we’re excited to introduce changes to Champions, Rivals, and Squad Battles rewards. These updates will replace the Mode Mastery program for Season 4, allowing you to earn Campaign Guarantee Packs and Picks by competing at a high level or simply playing the game the way you prefer.

Champions Qualifiers

We’ve listened to your feedback regarding the difficulty of qualifying for Champions Finals. In Season 3, we adjusted the requirement from 3 wins in 5 games to 3 wins in 6 games. Starting in Season 4, we’re making another adjustment, reducing the requirement to 2 wins in 5 games. This means you’ll now need a 40% win rate in Champs Qualifiers to secure a spot in the Champs Finals.

Champions Finals

We’re also making changes to the rewards in Champions Finals based on community suggestions around wanting to earn players from the current campaign. During the first 3 weeks of Season 4, you’ll be able to earn players from the Active Campaign team through Packs, including Winter Wildcards, Winter Wildcard Heroes, and NumeroFUT players. In the final 2 weeks, you can earn Min. OVR Campaign Mix Packs & Picks featuring Winter Wildcards, Winter Wildcard Heroes, Winter Wildcard ICONs, and NumeroFUT players.

To accommodate these changes, starting with the first Season 4 Champions Finals on December 27, the event will now begin on Friday at 7 PM UTC and run for 24 extra hours, ending on Tuesday at 8 AM UTC.

Division Rivals & Squad Battles

We are also excited to share that both Division Rivals & Squad Battles will also be revamped, allowing you to play towards Campaign Mix Packs & Picks throughout Season 4.

We heard from fans during Mode Mastery about how challenging it was for players of all skill levels to earn Mastery player tokens and progress towards rewards. This season, we’re also introducing the Season 4 Weekly Play and Season 4 Weekly Play Completionist Objective groups releasing on Friday December 27. These will allow you to progress towards the same Campaign Packs available in Champs Finals every week by scoring goals in separate games within Rivals or Champs, as well as Squad Battles or Rush. If you complete this objective in 4 out of 5 weeks of the season, you’ll earn an 89+ x 5 Campaign Mix Pack containing Winter Wildcards, Winter Wildcards Icons, Winter Wildcards Heroes and NumeroFUT players.

If you’re looking to strengthen your squad and dominate Season 4 with the latest NumeroFUT players or Winter Wildcards, consider purchasing FC 25 coins from U4GM. Their secure and reliable service ensures you can build the ultimate team and stay ahead in every mode. Visit U4GM today and take your gameplay to the next level!

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