Are you a new Escape From Tarkov player? Here are 38 helpful tips for new players from Fugglet.
1. Loot Faster - CTRL + Left click swaps items from one inventory to another, left alt + left click puts it on your character.
2. Discard Bind - Binding discard makes it super easy to manage your inventory.
3. Bhop - It's possible to do a bit of bhopping.
4. Examine - Middle mouse button makes it easy to examine unknown items.
5. Hotkeys - Hover over an item in your pockets/rig and click a key 4-9 & 0 to bind it.
6. Doo Doo Offers - Remove bartering offers.
7. Linked Search - Makes it super easy to build guns, use this to see what fits together.
8. Ammo Types - It's super important to use the right ammo, use this sheet for reference.
9. Fire Mode - Always check your fire mode when getting into a game with a new gun.
10. Suppressor - Suppressors are better than just the silencing, it always hides the crazy smokes / sparkles. Very useful for darker maps.
11. Headsets - Awesome to hear footsteps.
12. Insurance - You will get whatever gear is left behind in the map. Use it don't be silly.
13. Flea Market - Sell sought after gear on the flea market, it brings a huge profit.
14. Maps In EFT - Use the maps from the wiki to learn.
15. Grenade Priority - Nades in pockets will be used before the ones in your rig.
16. Cosmetics - Currently, headwears and glasses are purely cosmetics.
17. Starter Map - Personally I'd say stick with one map at a time while you're learning. I think Customs is a great starter map.
18. Jackets - Don't skip them, they offer some of the most valuable keys.
19. Marked Rooms - Get a key for them, they're cheap and offer really good loot.
20. Grenades - There's different types, M67 takes longer to explode but can be thrown way further.
21. Painkillers - They're super important, will ease your pain and allow you to focus / move normally again when breaking limb or getting a concussion etc.
22. Scav Runs - Always do them as a new player, especially when wanting to learn a new map.
23. Scav Or Scav Player - A dead scav player has the pouch slot, where as an NPC does not.
24. Scav Types - There's the regular plebs, sniper scavs and raiders. Raiders being crazy geared but only found on Labs and Reserve.
25. Splint - Always carry a splint on you to fix a broken limb.
26. Stashes - Google the map you're playing with the word stashes to find the hidden loot spots.
27. Visor - Can protect you from a headshot. Press 'N' to toggle the visor.
28. Day Or Night - You can choose between day and night mode. Labs has no time, and Factory has set times.
29. Chicken Nuggets - Be careful of exits, some maps tend to have chickens waiting for you to snatch your loot.
30. Offline Mode - Is a very good way to practice against bots and learn the maps.
31. Player Count - You can see how many players you might be facing at the map selection screen.
32. Quests - They're a very good way of learning the game, as they take you to certain spots and show you the game features. Use the game wiki page if you need help.
33. Strip Guns - For extra profit, sell to Therapist > Skier and then Mechanic for maximum profit.
34. Hide The Goods - If your teammate insured his/hers gear, throw it in their backpack and hide it - to fill your inventory with the goodies from your enemies.
35. Bind Voice - You can bind a voice command by double tapping 'Y' and right clicking a command.
36. Don't Sprint N' Nade - It'll drop at your feet and send you to space.
37. Check Ammo - Right click a mag in your inventory, or LALT + T to check the weapon in your hands.
38. Movement Keys - A quick rundown of different keybinds to move around.