Comprehensive Fortnite Weapons Guide - Noble Launcher

Game: Fortnite
Time: 2023-02-13
Views: 6894

Fortnite Noble Launcher is a Legendary Neon Weapon, a heavy weapon that can fire a wave of piercing energy. Might be fired commonly for any narrow half tile wide pulse, or charged to get a 1 tile wide or 1.5 tile wide blast. Deals energy Damage, that is fairly powerful against all kinds of elemental enemies. Though doesn't consume ammo, has low durability. You will need 15 Blast Powder, 12 Mechanical Parts, 3 Ore to craft it. If you are not familiar with this weapon, this article may help you to some extent.

Comprehensive Fortnite Weapons Guide - Noble Launcher


Basic Info

Trait Synergies


Pros and Cons

Vs Other Weapons


Basic Info

Crit Chance5%
Crit Damage+50%
Fire Rate0.5
Magazine Size3
Durability per Use1.0
Reload Time3.4
Ammo TypeExplosive Rounds
Ammo Cost1

Trait Synergies

Advanced TacticsSoldierRanged weapon damage increased by 10%. Health increased by 10%.
Debilitating ShotsSoldierDealing ranged damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% on the target for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
Enduring MachineConstructorYour weapon takes 60% less durability damage while on BASE.
Explosive RoundsSoldierKilling 10 enemies with a ranged weapon deals X damage in a 1 tile radius.
Eye on the PrizeOutlanderEvery 15 headshot kills grants 1 Charge Fragment.
Faster ExplosionsConstructorIncreases explosive weapon reload speed by 35%.
Fragment GenerationOutlanderEvery 60 kills grant 1 Charge Fragment.
Grenade GenerationSoldierEvery 30 kills with a ranged weapon grants 1 Frag Grenade. Count resets after 15 seconds without a kill.
I Love to Reload!SoldierReloading the equipped weapon increases run speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Improved HeadshotsSoldierIncreases headshot damage multipler of ranged weapons by 13%/20%/27%.
In a PinchSoldierIncreases weapon reload speed by 35% if the magazine is empty.
Locked and ReloadedSoldierAfter reloading, rate of fire is increased by 25% for 5 seconds.
Quick ClipSoldierIncreases reload speed by 30%.
Start UpSoldierFiring with a ranged weapon increases rate of fire by 1.2% per shot for up to 20 shots. Resets on reload or weapon switch.
Steady AimSoldierReduces recoil by 29%.
SurvivalistSoldierKilling an enemy with an ability or weapon recovers 5 base health per second over 3 seconds. Kills reset the healing duration. Will not activate on full health.
There Are Many Like It...SoldierYour weapon takes 45% less durability damage while affected by War Cry.
War CrySoldierGive a War Cry, affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles for 10 seconds. Grants 45% more damage and 30% attack speed for ranged weapons and 45% more damage and 20% attack speed for melee weapons.
Waste Not Want NotSoldierIncreases ammo capacity of all weapons by 40%.


The Noble Launcher was a Rocket Launcher obtainable for the duration of the Into The Storm event in Save the World.

Pros and Cons


Energy damage is pretty powerful against all elemental enemies.

Doesn't consume ammo.

High damage.

High impact.



Low durability.

Vs Other Weapons

Noble Launcher vs Mercury LMG:

Just like the Noble Launcher, Mercury LMG is also a Neon Weapon. Though LMG has definitely robust bullets, sadly the last and most important perk is bugged. With no it, it is just an okayish LMG. After it will be fixed, this will likely be my preferred weapon.

To some extent, Noble Launcher is an exciting and effective weapon. Enjoyable as hell, low cost to craft, does not use energy ammo, and when you use it using the war cry perk from bullet storm jonesy or support specialist, it basically will last forever (25% opportunity to refund ammo cost on Damage using a ranged weapon although warcry active). 

Though LMG is fantastic also, should you have to pick between em, get the launcher!


Noble Launcher vs Dam Buster:

These two weapons fulfill diverse niches:

You can shoot the Dam Buster from a bombardment tower. But the Noble Launcher cannot do that.

But the Noble Launcher is particularly effective when shooting into an oncoming group of husks at a horizontal angle.

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