How To Complete Monopoly Go New Albums Fast

Game: Monopoly Go
Time: 2024-09-27
Views: 900
Monopoly Go Albums

The Monopoly GO Marvel Sticker Album has already been released! This exciting album will bring your favorite characters right to your pocket. While you do get three months or so to complete this album, some players do like to complete it as soon as possible to try to unlock the prestige album. To stand the best chance of completing the extended collection quickly, here are our best tips to speed-run your Monopoly Go sticker album every season.

One way to do this is to check the daily events and look out for Wheel Boost. Then while that event is running complete as many color sets as you can in order to get wheel spins. When the Wheel Boost is active you'll get double spins. The best segment to land on is the green vault, as that actually gives you two packs, and those two packs could be anything up to a blue, which will give you a chance to get five-star stickers!

Sticker Boom is a sporadic flash event on Monopoly Go, playing the game during this event can mean a great deal more stickers, you'll get 50% extra stickers from any pack that you open. This is particularly useful during the open weeks of a long season event, so it's worth keeping an eye on the schedule for Sticker Boom and working out when the next Sticker Boom will happen on Monopoly Go.

Farm stars to open vaults. The more duplicate stickers you get, then the more stars you'll have which you can use towards opening a vault. The most important thing to remember about vaults is to buy the most expensive one. There is so much more value in the pink/gold 800-star vault than the others. It contains 425-575 free dice rolls, one four-star blue sticker pack, and two five-star purple sticker packs!

If you're missing specific stickers, consider reaching out to the Monopoly Go Trading Sticker Community on Facebook for help with sticker swaps. Especially during the Golden Blitz event, you can also post in the Facebook group to inquire if others are open to assisting or trading stickers if you're short on golden ones. Monopoly GO has a safe trading system. Even if you trade Stickers with unknown players, your transaction will be 100% safe. It is also worth noting that you can send no more than five Stickers per day.

Special events happen throughout the day in Monopoly GO and can help boost your progress by giving you rewards such as dice, stickers, and more. For example, the dig event and partner event are usually quite achievable. In Treasures Events, you “dig” for treasure using Pickaxe Tokens. There are various grids, and when you hit them with enough pickaxes, a treasure is revealed. The more treasures you collect, the more rewards you earn. In Partner events, Completing all five milestone rewards with your friends will unlock the grand prize and get some stickers.

Getting Wild Stickers. The Wild Sticker is a rare and highly valuable card in the Monopoly Go, which allows you to select any missing sticker to complete a set in your album. When you get a Wild Sticker, you are shown a list of all the stickers missing from your current album, then you must choose one of them. Keep in mind, that once you select and confirm a sticker, your choice cannot be undone. Please choose the sticker you need most carefully. However, don’t worry if you do not make the best choice, since there will always be more opportunities to earn Wild Stickers. They are rewards that players can earn during special events for a limited time.

Create another account. If you have a second device, you may be able to create another account with different details. Then you can play Monopoly Go from two separate accounts and trade between the two. This will allow you to complete sets even faster, which in turn will get you more rolls, and that will enable you to compete more.

The last and most efficient way to get the stickers you need is to buy them from U4gm. We sell a variety of Monopoly Go cards, including Monopoly Go Gold stickers that are tradeable during the Golden Blitz event. Usually after completing payment, you will receive your purchased sticker within 5 minutes. U4gm has become the best place to buy Monopoly Go stickers with cheap prices, super fast delivery, no cheating, a perfect refund policy, 24/7 prompt response, etc.

That is everything we know about how to complete Monopoly GO Albums fast! By using these smart strategies, you can build a more efficient collection, earn bigger rewards, and improve your overall gameplay in the game!

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