POE 3.4 Utility Skills and Non-Utility Skills Expertise From Characters Guide

Game: Path of Exile
Time: 2023-02-13
Views: 5969

Path of Exile assembled a list with the top-used abilities across all leagues, divided by a minimum level. For these lists, the Vaal and non-Vaal versions of skills are counted one and also the very same. It is genuinely pleasing to see a great mix of spells, melee attacks and ranged attacks within the top rated ten of every single chart.

Here are some of the skills of POE 3.4, take a look at which are Utility Skills, and which are Non-UtilitySkills.


POE 3.4 Utility Skills and Non-Utility Skills  Expertise From Characters Guide



This graph shows what percentage of players have completed how many problems and only consists of accounts that have finished at the very least one trial. 

- 28.53% of players have completed 12 challenges and earned the Canary Pet

- 1.47% of players have completed 24 challenges and made the Azurite Back Attachment

- 0.03% of players have completed 36 trials and won the Delve Portal Impact



Non-Utility Skills


Arc can be a lightning spell that creates a chaining pulse.


- Considering that it is not a projectile, Arc cannot Pierce Support or Fork Help, and it can't be supported with Higher or Lesser Many Projectiles. 

- Supporting Arc with Chain Assistance will result in further chains. Arc will chain to a random target within a specified radius centered on last target struck. Arc cannot chain back towards the similar target right away and must bounce a single far more time before fastening to the other goal. Arc, when not cast at an enemy, will target the nearest one within the skill's variety.

- Might be utilized in left mouse button slot to throw and move.



2.Ancestral Warchief

Ancestral Warchief is a skill that creates a totem which will attack enemies with melee AoE slams while the player stands close to it. Being near it also increases the player's damage.


- Multistrike: Ancestral Warchief cannot be supported by Multistrike Support.

- Fortify: Linking Fortify Support to Ancestral Warchief will cause the totem, and not the player, to gain Fortify on melee hit. This appears to be the way for a symbol to have Fortify and with the Ascendant Champion Node.

- Multiple Totems: Melee damage buff does not stack when various totems are summoned.

- Totem Attack Range: The range at which the totem strikes is affected by the weapon range of the equipped weapon and modifiers to weapon range.

- Area of Effect: Modifiers to area radius change both the scale at which the totem strikes, as well as the radius of the attack.

- Activation: The totem is active as long as the player remains within an 85 unit radius of it. Initial activation also requires line of sight with the player, but this can be broken once the totem has become active.

- Dual Wielding: The skill will only consider the primary hand weapon for purposes of attack speed and damage.


3.Raise Zombie

Raise Zombie is a spell that summons an allied zombie minion.


- Support Gems: Any support gem that would work on a melee attack will be used by the player's zombies' attacks when linked to this gem. In addition to their melee attacks, zombies occasionally use an area of effect slam attack which can be scaled with support gems, the city of effect passive skills, and the threshold jewel.

- Corpse Targeting: Holding down the corpse targeting toggle (defaults to the "a" button) makes it easier to choose a corpse to raise.

- Zombie Limit: The maximum amount of raised zombies can be increased by passive skills and unique items (see below for more information).



Blade-Vortex (often referred to as BV) is a spell that creates an ethereal blade that spins around the caster that deals physical damage, each edge lasting for the minimum duration of 5 seconds.


- Blade Vortex's base damage is boosted by Physical Damage, Spell Damage, Area Damage, and Damage.

- Physical Damage: Because Blade Vortex deals physical damage, it can be increased by supports and skills that are more commonly used to modify attacks, such as the Added Fire Damage Support gem and the Hatred aura.

- Spell Damage: Even though it does physical damage, Blade Vortex is a spell and not an attack. It does not utilize weapon damage in any way. Blade-Vortex is one of several skills that work in this manner. The others include Ethereal Knives, Bladefall, and Shockwave Totem. Spell Damage can amplify its damage on items and passives from the skill tree, as well as support gems that increase spell damage.

- Leech: Leech effects that apply to Spell damage and damage types dealt by Blade Vortex (Physical by default) will work as usual. Note that leech effects which apply to attacks do not use to Blade Vortex because it is a spell, not an attack.

- Area of Effect: Increases and decreases into Area of Effect from support gems, passives, and equipment will augment the radius in which the skill deals damage (e.g., Increased Area of Effect Support, Concentrated Effect Support, and Carcass Jack).

- Cast Speed: Faster Casting Support, Spell Echo Support, and Cast Speed from passives and gear will increase the rate at which blades are generated.

- Duration: Increased Duration Support, Less Duration Support, and duration-modifying passives and equipment will affect the length of the leaves. It is possible to have multiple edges active at the same time, up to a maximum of 10 modules. Once the limit is reached, creating a new module will remove the oldest existing active edge, similar to Summon Raging Spirit.

- Poison: As Blade Vortex deals physical damage, it can quickly scale poison damage.

- Visual effect: Blade vortex's visual effect does not scale with Area of effect modifiers. Instead, to give a rough indication of radius, there are several versions of the knife effect, each rotating at a different range. The skill will always try to have one knife using the largest-radius impact that's not larger than the actual scope of the power, but that still results in discrete visual changes where you need to reach a certain threshold before the next broader effect can be used. The full radius is always used mechanically.


5.Toxic Rain

- The explosion of the Spore Pods also counts as a hit, triggering on-hit effects such as Poison, Bleed, Health on hit. This can lead to a great number of applications of such on hit effects in a short time.

- Multiple Projectiles - More projectiles increase the radius in which spores appear, however, this is better for crowd control & not DPS.

- Increased AOE - Does not appear to Increase projectile separation radius, however, does increase the pop & DOT radius of spores.


6.Double Strike

Double Strike is a melee attack that performs two fast attacks on a target enemy with the player's main hand melee weapon.


- Dual Wielding: This skill will only attack with the main hand weapon while dual wielding.

- Multiple Hits: This attack hits twice, activating gain on hit twice, and giving two opportunities to activate chance-based effects such as blind, knockback, stun, and elemental status ailments. It does not, however, have two chances to crit. If one hit is a crit, the other will also be a crit.


7.Caustic Arrow

Caustic Arrow is a bow attack that fires an arrow dealing with chaos damage and exploding in an acid cloud. Enemies standing within it receive a debuff that deals chaos damage over time. The caustic cloud does not poison and is therefore not affected by poison-related modifiers.


- Caustic Arrow will explode either at the targeted location or on the first monster or obstacle it hits.

- Multiple projectiles: new projectiles added will cause additional acid clouds, but debuffs from many clouds do not stack.

- Piercing: piercing Caustic Arrow projectiles will cause new clouds each time they hit and will receive the chaos damage bonus any time they impact an enemy.

- Projectile damage: passive nodes and gems (such as Slower Projectiles Support) that increase projectile damage will increase both the damage on hit and the area of effect damage.

- Concentrated Effect: Concentrated Effect Support decreases the size of the AoE and increases its cost. However, due to the nature of the skill and the wording of its modifiers, the damage increase will not appear on the tooltip.

- Point Blank: Point Blank does not affect the acid cloud damage, it only affects projectile attack damage.

- Iron Grip: The strength bonus from the Iron Grip keystone passive does not change the acid cloud damage because the cloud is not considered an attack nor is it based on physical damage. The increased projectile damage portion of the Iron Grip Support will increase the cloud damage, but the strength bonus the support gem shares with the Keystone will not apply.

- Accuracy: The projectile attack is subject to accuracy and can miss. However, the explosion will create an acid cloud and do damage regardless of whether the projectile attack hit or lost. Piercing Caustic Arrow will not create additional clouds if missed.

- Duration: modifiers to term will affect the length of the acid cloud.

- Culling strike: The increased damage from Culling Strike Support applies to cloud damage, but the cloud does not kill enemies instantly when they have less than 10% life.

- Curses: Projectile Weakness requires the target to be hit. The caustic cloud won't be affected by it. Despair does change the cloud.



Barrage is a ranged attack skill that fires your bow or wand repeatedly.


- Additional Projectiles: Linking Lesser Multiple Projectiles or Greater Multiple Projectiles to Barrage will increase the total number of projectiles fired. For example, when using Lesser Multiple Projectiles, a total of 7 missiles will be fired (1 base, +4 from Barrage gem, +2 from Lesser Multiple Projectiles Gem). Wearing a helm enchanted with Additional Barrage Projectiles will further increase this total. All projectiles fired can strike the same target, potentially dealing damage up to 13 times to a single goal when using all three effects.

- Volley Fire: This jewel will fire an additional two projectiles per attack, with the added missiles spread to the sides. These other projectiles cannot strike the same target as the main projectiles and will pass through them harmlessly (though subsequent shells generated via effects such as chain could bounce to the primary goal). Multiple Volley Fire jewels will add four more projectiles each, spreading out in the broader fan.

Example: A user wearing a helmet with +2 Additional Barrage Projectiles and with two copies of Volley Fire slotted will fire a total of 14 projectiles per attack in the game. A maximum of 6 can strike the primary target; a maximum of 1 missile may hit all other destinations.

- Dual Wielding: The total number of projectiles fired by Barrage does not change while wielding two weapons. An attack with Barrage uses both guns, alternating between each weapon for each shell shot.

- The small randomized spread covers a low angle of approximately 20 degrees.


9.Consecrated Path



10.Molten Strike

Molten Strike is an attack skill consisting of two parts: an initial melee attack hit and a projectile attack.


An attack with Molten Strike consists of two parts:

- An initial melee hit with the keywords Fire, Attack, Melee

- A projectile attack with the keywords Fire, Attack, Projectile, AoE


- Modifiers that require the keywords Melee, Projectile or AoE only apply to the appropriate portions of the attack. For example, supporting Molten Strike with Melee Physical Damage Support will increase the damage of the melee hit but not the projectiles. That said, passive points that grant Increased damage with one-handed melee weapons, for example, will in fact affect the projectile attack as well if one is using a one-handed weapon, since it is still an attack that is dealt with a melee weapon (though the damage you're dealing is not actually meleeing damage).

- Magma projectiles: Unmodified projectiles will deal (72 to 87.96)% of full weapon damage, of which 60% of physical is converted to fire damage. Supporting Molten Strike with Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support or Greater Multiple Projectiles Support will increase the number of projectiles fired while reducing their cost, but will not affect the initial melee hit in any way. Since the shells are not a melee attack, Strength's melee physical damage bonus does not apply (unless the player has Iron Grip). It is possible for more than one projectile from this skill to hit a single enemy, including the one that was already hit by a melee attack, although the chance to catch the initial target is considerably reduced because of dead zone around it.

- Damage conversion: Like all converted damage, the fire portion of Molten Strike's cost will be modified by both fire damage and physical damage increases.

- Tooltip damage: Damage per hit and DPS displayed on the skill tooltip show only the melee portion of the attack, with that of projectiles dependent on the average number of hits expected from the skill. An estimate to the area DPS and total single target DPS of the power can be obtained using the calculator on the link


11.Elemental Hit

Elemental Hit is an attack skill, executing a basic attack with added damage of a random element. An Elemental Hit may be performed with any weapon, or with no weapon equipped.

- Dual Wielding: Using Elemental Hit while dual wielding will alternate the weapon used for attacking.

- Elemental Damage: Each of the three damage types is increased by "elemental weapon damage" and "elemental damage" passives and item mods. Additionally, fire, cold or lightning damage passives and mods will boost the damage of only that particular type.

- Random damage type: The unique threshold jewels Combat Focus can be used to exclude elements from being chosen.

- Only Deals Damage of the selected Element: All three parts are present on the gem when it comes to damage conversion, the selection of a component happens afterward and does not retroactively change the results of the transformation.


12.Scorching Ray

Scorching Ray is a channeling fire spell that fires a beam that inflicts burning damage to targets in front of the caster.


- Scorching ray applies a stacking debuff on enemies which deals fire damage over time, causes enemies to lose 3% fire resist per stack, and causes Scorching Ray to sell an additional 60% damage per stack to the target for each stack past the first. This effect stacks up to a total of 8 times on an enemy for a total of 24% reduced fire resistance and a total damage multiplier of 420% more damage at maximum stacks. The damage over time portion of the debuff does not increase with additional stacks but does stack with scorching ray debuffs from other sources(totems or players). The duration of any debuff stack applied by Scorching Ray on the target is refreshed upon applying a subsequent debuff stack. The rate at which the debuff is used is determined by the base cast speed of the skill and can be modified by cast speed. The debuff is applied to an enemy monster and increases the damage they take from scorching Ray, it does not increase the cost it deals with other targets.

- While multiple burning damage effects from Scorching Ray may be applied , the maximum total fire resistance reduction on a monster from all instances cannot exceed 24%.

- Touching an unaffected target by the beam at any point during a cast interval will apply the first stage of the debuff. If the goal remains in the shaft, the spell will use the next step of the debuff the instant it consumes mana from the player again. As a result, It is possible to inflict multiple debuff stacks in quick succession to targets with only brief contact such as when sweeping the beam across the screen.

- Damage over time: Modifiers to Spell, Fire, Elemental, Burning Damage, Damage Over Time, and duration affect the cost over time component of this spell.

- Scorching Ray does not hit and therefore cannot be supported by added damage supports such as Added Chaos Damage Support and cannot confer the effects of supports such as Blind Support or Curse On Hit Support.

While channeling Scorching Ray, the player has a reduced turning rate. Increasing scorching ray's cast speed will increase the rate at which the player can rotate while channeling it, up to a maximum +150% increased cast speed modifier.

- Scorching Ray has a delay, equal to the last time, between the pressing of the skill and the appearance of the beam.

- Scorching Ray is not a projectile or an area of effect skill and therefore is not affected by modifiers to projectile damage, area damage, projectile speed, or area of effect.[4]

- Scorching Ray has the channeling tag and therefore cannot be supported by Spell Echo Support.

- See Channelling for more information.


13.Tornado Shot

Tornado Shot is a ranged attack skill, firing a sharp shot that fires projectiles in all directions when it reaches a targeted location.


- Secondary projectiles: Upon reaching the targeted location, Tornado Shot's projectile explodes and fires three secondary arrows in random directions. No target can be hit by more than one secondary arrow from a single explosion.

- Multiple projectiles: When Tornado Shot fires new projectiles, such as when supported by Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support, the arrows are fired side by side, each exploding and releasing three arrows. Enemies can be hit by secondary arrows released by different primary arrows. This makes Tornado Shot with additional projectiles particularly effective against single targets.

- Point Blank: Since Tornado Shots secondary arrows are a continuation of the first arrows (similar to Chain or Fork), their distance traveled for Point Blank includes the distance traveled by their primary projectile as well as their own. This means that targets immediately next to the explosion of a first arrow do not necessarily take the full +50% damage bonus on the secondary shaft.


14.Lightning Spire Trap

Area of Effect: Modifiers to the city of effect modify the size of each lightning strikes, but not the area where it can hit, unlike similar skills like Molten Strike. Therefore, having a more massive AoE will increase the chance of oveapping hits more than other comparable skills.


Utility skills

1.Flame Dash

Flame Dash is a movement spell that causes the player to teleport to a target location, damaging enemies and leaving a trail of burning ground.


- Flame Dash will force the character to move in the range of the target location when not targeted using the attack-in-place key (Shift by default).

- Spell Echo Support can not support flame Dash.

- The maximum targeting range of Flame Dash is defined by a square rectangle centered around the caster. This means that the actual maximum range will be √2 times as long (roughly 41% longer) dashing diagonally as it would be running straight up, down, left or right. Flame Dash and Leap Slam seem to be the only two skills that work this way; all other skills have their max-range defined by a circle as one would expect.


2.Blood Rage

Blood Rage applies a buff that deals physical damage to the player over time while increasing attack speed and life leech. Killing an enemy while this buff is active refreshes the buff duration, and has a chance to grant a frenzy charge.

- Physical damage reduction: Damage dealt by Blood Rage is lowered by physical damage reduction. Note that armor only reduces physical damage from hits, and thus does not affect the damage taken from Blood Rage.



A portal is an entity that allows instant travel to and from the town in the act where it is created or the previous city if the current city is unvisited. The standard blue portal appearance can be changed by purchasing a Portal Effect.


4.Shield Charge

Shield Charge is an attack skill. The player charges at an enemy and bashes it with his shield. The target is damaged, knocked back, and stunned. Enemies in the way are pushed to the side.


- Damage and reduced enemy stun threshold are proportional to the distance charged. The maximum charge distance is 60 units Note that the in-game average damage tooltip for Shield Charge does not factor in the bonus gained from charge distance.

- The damage dealt on strike is based on the primary hand weapon and is not affected by the shield in any way. Shield Charge can also be used unarmed; however, it cannot be used with a wand.

- Area of Effect: Shield Charge deals AoE damage at the end animation of the charge in a circle in front of the player. Modifiers to area radius and damage affect the skill.

- Use time: Shield Charge has a particular base use time of 1.0 seconds (when charging to the maximum distance) that overrides the base attack time of any weapon equipped. Note that the attack time of the skill displayed in-game is erroneously affected by the base attack time of the gun. Both local and global attack speed modifiers apply to this using time, increasing the speed at which the skill is performed, including both the charging rate and the recovery animation at the end. Furthermore, modifiers to movement speed affect the charging animation speed.

- Shield Charge cannot be supported by Multistrike Support.


5.Summon Lightning Golem

Summon Lightning Golem is a minion spell, summoning a Golem that grants the player increased attack and cast speed while active. It can use a long-range lightning projectile attack, place orbs of lightning that attacks nearby enemies rapidly, and a temporary aura that adds a small amount of lightning damage to attacks and spells.


- Galvanic Bolt: Projectile spell, 100% lightning, supported with spell/projectile supports.

- Orb of Sparks: Stationary spell similar to Orb of Storms, 100% lightning, hits only one enemy per zap and is unable to chain, supported by spell/AoE supports but unaffected by AoE damage.

- Storm Nimbus: a Temporary aura that adds lightning damage to attacks and spells, lasts 4 seconds, uses default aura radius.


6.Blink Arrow

Blink Arrow is an attack that fires an arrow, upon reaching the destination you are teleported there, and a clone is summoned at your previous location. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver.


When the skill is cast, the player fires an arrow. The arrow takes time to land, and the player can take damage during the time it takes for the bolt to hit the ground.

The frame before the arrow lands, the player will still be in his/her old location. Anything is trying to damage the player at that location can do so up to and including this frame.

The next frame, the player is teleported and is now at the location the arrow landed.

Immediately, anything which could damage the player at the previous location but can't at the new one be unable to destroy the player and vice versa for anything the player comes into range of at their original position.


7.Phase Run

Phase Run is a spell that applies a buff on the player granting movement speed, phasing and melee damage. Performing any skill replaces the first buff with a second short duration buff that only boosts melee damage.


- Despite the skill tooltip suggesting this isn't the case, the melee damage buff from Phase Run is present during both the initial phasing buff and the secondary buff.

- Duration: skill duration, buff/debuff duration, the Increased Duration Support gem, and frenzy charges increases the length of both the primary and secondary effect.

- Monster Response time: Phase Run causes monsters to fail to respond to the player's presence for slightly longer than usual.

- Trigger Gems: When linked to a trigger support gem, Phase Run should be placed as the last skill gem to be triggered, because otherwise, it would go straight to the second buff (the one that boosts melee damage for 0.20 seconds) since another skill (the gem(s) linked after it) would be triggered after Phase Run and therefore end its first phase immediately.


8.Orb of Storms

Orb of Storms is a lightning skill gem.

Each cast from the orb acts like its unique spell, much like a totem casting. Each hit has its chance of being a critical strike, while other hits from the same orb may only do normal damage unlike other skills with multiple hits like Firestorm or Cyclone. Each hit also has its chance to cause "on hit" effects.


- The orb is always summoned next to the player at approximately the same distance.

- The ball will only target enemies within its circle of influence, but the secondary chain hits can target enemies much further away and even slightly off the edges of the screen.

- The game also determines whether the orb can target an enemy based on the player's line of sight and not the range of view of the ball itself. Placing a circle on the other side of a doorway may not guarantee it will attack a target even if it is right next to that target, but if there is a clear line of sight to the target, the orb may also fire through walls as long as the goal is within its radius.

- Despite being an Area of Effect skill, Orb of Storms DOES NOT benefit from Area of Effect damage bonuses, but effects that change the Area of Effect-radius will adjust how far out the orb will target enemies.

- The secondary proc of the ball is the same effect produced from the ball itself, and the bolts split to hit multiple targets. However, the cast originates from the player location rather than the orb itself, meaning the bolt can hit an enemy outside of the orb's range. This secondary proc appears not to have an internal cooldown.


9.Whirling Blades

Whirling Blades is an attack skill. The player dives in a target direction, dealing damage to enemies he passes through.


- Movement: Whirling Blades is a movement skill that makes the player move in a straight path in the targeted direction, passing through any enemies and dealing damage to them, after which there is a brief recovery period during which the player cannot move or perform any actions. Enemies cannot be hit more than once with the same skill use. Whirling Blades has both a minimum distance, which can be achieved by aiming the cursor close to the player and maximum length, neither of which can be modified.

- Use time: When used to its maximum extent, Whirling Blades has a special base use time of 2.6 seconds that overrides the base attack time of the equipped weapon. Both local and global attack speed modifiers, including the attack speed bonus for dual wielding, decrease this using time accordingly. If the player uses Whirling Blades to move less than the maximum distance, or if the player collides with an object during the movement, the recovery period is shortened, such that the use time is less than 2.6 seconds.

- Dual wielding: While dual wielding, hits are dealt with either the main or off-hand weapon, chosen at random if both guns are used. If your main hand weapon renders the skill unusable, but your off hand can use the power, you will still be able to use whirling blades.

- Multistrike: Multistrike Support or Melee Splash Support can not support rotating Blades.


10.Leap Slam

Leap Slam is an attack skill that performs a leap to a target area, damaging and knocking back enemies landed on.


- Accuracy: Accuracy is a factor despite the nature of the skill. Leap Slam can miss.

- Attack speed: Leap Slam has its own attack time of 1.40 seconds and modifiers to attack speed will modify the rate at which Leap Slam performs. While its base attack time is not equal to the base attack time of your weapon, it does benefit from local attack speed modifiers on the gun just like any other skill (multiplicatively). Leap Slam may seem slow when jumping small distances, but in reality, Leap Slam merely is always performed at the same modified speed regardless of the mileage dropped.

- Dual wielding: Leap Slam will use only the primary hand weapon.

- Damage: Tooltip incorrectly averages the DPS and APS of your Main and Off Hand weapons, even though just your Main Hand weapon will ever be used. This is true also if your Off Hand weapon could not be used with Leap Slam in the first place. You can calculate your actual APS by multiplying 1/1.4 with (1 + Main Hand Attack Speed Modifier) and your real DPS by multiplying the result with your average Main Hand Total Combined Damage, your Chance To Hit and (1 + Main Hand Critical Strike Chance * (Main Hand Critical Strike Multiplier - 1)). Make sure to convert all %-values to actual numbers by dividing by 100 before plugging them into this formula.

This will give you a reasonably close approximation, as your chance to hit may vary between your main and off hand but is averaged on the character screen.

Multistrike Support: Multistrike cannot support leap Slam.

The maximum jumping distance of Leap Slam is confined by a square rectangle centered around the attacker. This means that the actual maximum distance will be √2 times as long, roughly 41% longer, jumping diagonally as it would be jumping straight up, down, left or right. Since the duration of the jump is the same regardless of distance, you will also end up traveling about 41% faster that way. Flame Dash and Leap Slam seem to be the only two skills that work this way; all other skills have their max-range defined by a circle as one would expect.


First up, the top 10 non-utility skills from characters of level 70 or higher:


Ancestral Warchief

Raise Zombie


Toxic Rain

Double Strike

Caustic Arrow


Consecrated Path

Molten Strike


Next, the top 10 non-utility skills from characters of level 90 or higher:



Ancestral Warchief

Toxic Rain

Molten Strike


Double Strike

Raise Zombie

Elemental Hit

Scorching Ray


These are the top 10 non-utility skills from characters of level 95 or higher:



Elemental Hit

Ancestral Warchief

Molten Strike

Tornado Shot

Scorching Ray

Toxic Rain


Lightning Spire Trap


Finally, these are the top 10 skills from characters of level 90 or higher, including utility skills:

Flame Dash

Blood Rage


Shield Charge

Summon Lightning Golem

Blink Arrow

Phase Run

Orb of Storms

Whirling Blades

Leap Slam


Shield Charge is no longer the undisputed king of movement skills, and in fact, the gap between those movement skills is a lot smaller than we've historically seen. It's fascinating to see that despite the popularity of Arc and Blade Vortex as first skills, they don't even rank when utility skills are not excluded.

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