PoE 2 Anoint List - Distilled Emotions Combinations

Game: Path of Exile 2
Time: 2025-01-07
Views: 29823

Distilled Emotions allow you to anoint an amulet with a Notable Skill from the Passive Tree. Maps can also be anointed, adding various rewards while making them more challenging. Distilled Emotions are a type of PoE 2 currency exclusive to Delirium encounters.

List of Distilled Emotions Anoint Combinations

Distilled EmotionsNotable PassiveAnoint Effects
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear
+25 to Strength
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia
+25 to Dexterity
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
+25 to Intelligence
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia
10% increased Attributes
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy
Jack of all Trades
2% increased Damage per 5 of your lowest Attribute
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation
One with the River
30% increased Defences while wielding a Staff
30% increased Stun Buildup with Quarterstaves
30% increased Daze Buildup with Quarterstaves
30% increased Freeze Buildup with Quarterstaves
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed
Whirling Assault
8% increased Attack Speed with Quarterstaves
Knocks Back Enemies if you get a Critical Hit with a Quarterstaff
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust
One with the Storm
Quarterstaff Skills that consume Power Charges count as consuming an additional Power Charge
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear
Martial Artistry
25% increased Accuracy Rating with Quarterstaves
25% increased Critical Damage Bonus with Quarterstaves
+25 to Dexterity
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair
Silent Shiv
5% increased Attack Speed with Daggers
15% increased Critical Hit Chance with Daggers
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering
Coated Knife
Critical Hits with Daggers have a 25% chance to Poison the Enemy
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation
25% increased Critical Damage Bonus with Daggers
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair
Clever Construction
25% increased Critical Hit Chance with Traps
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed
Devestating Devices
25% increased Trap Damage
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair
Destructive Apparatus
25% increased Trap Damage
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering
Feathered Fletching
Increases and Reductions to Projectile Speed also apply to Damage with Bows
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Despair
Arrows gain Critical Hit Chance as they travel farther, up to 60% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia
Pierce the Heart
Arrows Pierce an additional Target
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust
25% increased Damage with Spears
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed
Swift Skewering
8% increased Attack Speed with Spears
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair
Precise Point
25% increased Damage with Spears
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust
Roll and Strike
25% increased Damage with Spears
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering
30% increased Block chance
You take 10% of damage from Blocked Hits
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair
Attack Skills deal 25% increased Damage while holding a Shield
75% increased Evasion from Equipped Shield
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Suffering
Heavy Blade
25% increased Damage with Swords
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed
Ripping Blade
25% increased Damage with Swords
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt
Stance Breaker
50% reduced Enemy Chance to Block Sword Attacks
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear
Lay Siege
1% increased Damage per 1% Chance to Block
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust
Greatest Defence
2% increased Attack Damage per 75 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation
Wide Barrier
30% increased Block chance
25% reduced Global Defences
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear
Core of the Guardian
100% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation
Offensive Stance
1% increased Damage per 1% Chance to Block
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt
12% increased Block chance
6 Life gained when you Block
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire
Defensive Reflexes
12% increased Block chance
2 Mana gained when you Block
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
Power Shots
15% reduced Attack Speed with Crossbows
80% increased Critical Damage Bonus with Crossbows
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation
Repeating Explosives
Grenades have 15% chance to activate a second time
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering
Instant Reload
40% increased Crossbow Reload Speed
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair
Reusable Ammunition
15% chance for Crossbow Attacks to not consume a bolt
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed
Full Salvo
25% increased Damage with Crossbows for each type of Ammunition fired in the past 10 seconds
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia
Whirling Onslaught
50% chance to gain Onslaught on Killing Blow with Axes
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Fear
Enraged Reaver
+10 to Maximum Rage while wielding an Axe
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire
20% more Damage against Heavy Stunned Enemies with Maces
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust
Split the Earth
10% chance to Aftershock for Slam Skills you use with Maces
10% chance to Aftershock for Strike Skills you use with Maces
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering
Ball and Chain
15% increased Damage with Flails
6% increased Attack Speed with Flails
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Suffering
Morning Star
30% increased Critical Hit Chance with Flails
20% increased Critical Damage Bonus with Flails
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair
Rattling Ball
25% increased Damage with Flails
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia
Spiked Whip
25% increased Damage with Flails
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Envy
Warding Fetish
30% increased Damage per Curse on you
30% reduced effect of Curses on you
60% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Focus
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear
25% increased Spell Damage while on Full Energy Shield
75% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Focus
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy
Versatile Arms
6% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons
15% increased Accuracy Rating with One Handed Melee Weapons
+10 to Strength and Dexterity
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust
Push the Advantage
40% increased Critical Damage Bonus with One Handed Melee Weapons
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust
25% increased Damage with One Handed Weapons
Attacks have 10% chance to Maim on Hit
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia
Coated Arms
25% increased Damage with One Handed Weapons
20% increased Chance to inflict Ailments with One-Handed Attacks
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear
Singular Purpose
5% reduced Attack Speed
20% increased Stun Buildup
40% increased Damage with Two Handed Weapons
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair
Heavy Contact
Hits that Heavy Stun Enemies have Culling Strike
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire
Colossal Weapon
15% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
+10 to Strength
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed
Curved Weapon
15% increased Accuracy Rating
+10 to Dexterity
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire
30% increased Area of Effect if you've Stunned an Enemy with a Two Handed Melee Weapon Recently
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy
5% reduced Attack Speed
20% increased Stun Buildup
40% increased Damage with Two Handed Weapons
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy
Cross Strike
20% increased Accuracy Rating while Dual Wielding
3% increased Movement Speed while Dual Wielding
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair
Blade Flurry
6% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
15% increased Attack Critical Hit Chance while Dual Wielding
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair
Polished Iron
25% increased Armour
50% of Base Armour from Equipment also added to Stun Threshold
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed
25% of Armour also applies to Fire Damage taken from Hits
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair
Projectile Bulwark
30% increased Armour
Defend with 120% of Armour against Projectile Attacks
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt
Blade Catcher
Defend with 200% of Armour against Critical Hits
+15 to Strength
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed
Heavy Armour
100% of Strength Requirements from Boots, Gloves and Helmets also added to Armour
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt
Made to Last
15% of Physical Damage prevented Recouped as Life
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust
Sturdy Metal
80% increased Armour from Equipped Body Armour
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire
Impenetrable Shell
Defend with 150% of Armour against Attacks from further than 6m
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy
General's Bindings
Gain 8% of Evasion Rating as extra Armour
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed
High Alert
50% increased Evasion Rating when on Full Life
25% increased Stun Threshold while on Full Life
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair
Escape Strategy
100% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
30% reduced Evasion Rating if you haven't been Hit Recently
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed
Careful Consideration
30% reduced Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
100% increased Evasion Rating if you haven't been Hit Recently
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy
Freedom of Movement
30% increased Evasion Rating
30% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled Recently
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering
Escape Velocity
3% increased Movement Speed
30% increased Evasion Rating
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy
Enhanced Reflexes
30% increased Evasion Rating
8% increased Dexterity
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy
Beastial Skin
100% increased Evasion Rating from Equipped Body Armour
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust
8% more chance to Evade Melee Attacks
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire
Leather Bound Gauntlets
+1 to Evasion Rating per 1 Armour on Equipped Gloves
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire
Catlike Agility
25% increased Evasion Rating
25% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled Recently
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair
30% increased maximum Energy Shield
4% increased maximum Mana
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Fear
Patient Barrier
60% increased maximum Energy Shield
20% slower start of Energy Shield Recharge
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear
18% increased maximum Energy Shield
12% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
6% increased Intelligence
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering
40% increased maximum Energy Shield
10% reduced maximum Mana
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation
Enhanced Barrier
25% increased maximum Energy Shield
+1% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation
Dampening Shield
28% increased maximum Energy Shield
Gain 12% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation
Heavy Buffer
40% increased maximum Energy Shield
10% reduced maximum Life
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering
Illuminated Crown
20% increased Light Radius
70% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Helmet
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt
Strong Chin
Gain Stun Threshold equal to the lowest of Evasion and Armour on your Helmet
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire
80% increased Armour and Evasion Rating when on Low Life
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire
Backup Plan
40% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
40% increased Armour if you haven't been Hit Recently
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire
Insulated Treads
Gain Ailment Threshold equal to the lowest of Evasion and Armour on your Boots
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt
Feel no Pain
20% increased Armour and Evasion Rating
20% increased Stun Threshold
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering
Spectral Ward
+1 to Maximum Energy Shield per 12 Evasion Rating on Equipped Body Armour
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation
Inner Faith
20% increased Evasion Rating
20% increased maximum Energy Shield
25% reduced effect of Curses on you
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair
Shadow Dancing
30% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
60% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge if you've been Stunned Recently
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy
50% increased Evasion Rating if Energy Shield Recharge has started in the past 2 seconds
30% increased Evasion Rating while you have Energy Shield
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering
20% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate if you haven't been Hit Recently
3% increased Movement Speed while you have Energy Shield
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia
Subterfuge Mask
+2 to Evasion Rating per 1 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped Helmet
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering
Mindful Awareness
24% increased Evasion Rating
24% increased maximum Energy Shield
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy
Ancient Aegis
60% increased Armour from Equipped Body Armour
60% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Body Armour
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire
Adamant Recovery
Increases and Reductions to Armour also apply to Energy Shield   
Recharge Rate at 40% of their value
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy
Reinforced Barrier
20% increased maximum Energy Shield
Defend with 120% of Armour while not on Low Energy Shield
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering
Spiral into Depression
3% increased Movement Speed
25% increased Armour
25% increased maximum Energy Shield
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation
Unnatural Resilience
2% to Maximum Fire Resistance for each 40% Uncapped Fire Resistance
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
Prism Guard
+1% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances
+5% to all Elemental Resistances
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia
Natural Immunity
+4 to Ailment Threshold per Dexterity
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair
Fan the Flames
25% reduced Ignite Duration on you
40% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear
Warm the Heart
25% reduced Freeze Duration on you
60% increased Freeze Threshold
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust
Feel the Earth
25% reduced Shock duration on you
40% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia
Shedding Skin
40% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
10% reduced Duration of Ailments on You
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt
Mystic Stance
30% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
30% increased Stun Threshold while on Full Life
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear
Quick Response
20% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
30% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge when not on Full Life
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust
Rapid Recharge
25% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
25% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
Witch: Minions have 15% increased maximum Life
Witch: Minions Revive 15% faster
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed
Covering Ward
25% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Gain 20 Energy Shield when you Block
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed
Essence Infusion
40% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
+10 to Intelligence
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire
30% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
20% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy
Dependable Ward
25% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
25% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed
15% reduced Energy Shield Recharge Rate
40% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt
Arcane Mixtures
25% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Mana Flasks gain 0.1 charges per Second
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire
Unstoppable Barrier
10% increased Block chance
15% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia
Hunker Down
Recover 20 Life when you Block
80% less Knockback Distance for Blocked Hits
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt
Towering Shield
50% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
25% increased Chance to Block if you've Blocked with Active Block Recently
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed
Defender's Resolve
12% increased Block chance
Stagger empties 50% faster while your Shield is lowered
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire
Parrying Motion
12% increased Block chance
1% increased Movement Speed for each time you've Blocked in the past 10 seconds
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear
Spiked Shield
50% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
1% increased Attack Damage per 75 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear
Shield Expertise
12% increased Block chance
40% increased Block Recovery
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed
Smooth Buckler
12% increased Block chance
10 Mana gained when you Block
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed
Flashy Deflection
12% increased Block chance
40% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy
10% increased Global Defences
25% increased Stun Threshold
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed
Quick Recovery
40% increased Stun Recovery
Regenerate 5% of Life over 1 second when Stunned
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia
Titan's Determination
25% increased Stun Threshold
20% increased Life Regeneration Rate while moving
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia
30% increased Stun Threshold
30% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering
Hefty Unit
+3 to Stun Threshold per Strength
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia
3% increased maximum Life
30% increased Stun Threshold
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair
Austerity Measures
+5 to all Attributes
Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt
Stun Threshold is based on 30% of your Energy Shield instead of Life
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy
Self Mortification
Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
20% increased Stun Threshold while on Full Life
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust
20% increased Stun Recovery
Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation
Eldritch Will
3% increased maximum Life, Mana and Energy Shield
Gain 20% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia
Briny Carapace
60% increased Stun Threshold for each time you've been Stunned Recently
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire
Deft Recovery
30% increased Stun Recovery
30% increased Stun Threshold if you haven't been Stunned Recently
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed
Back in Action
80% increased Stun Recovery
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia
+15% to Fire Resistance
25% reduced effect of Ignite on you
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed
Slippery Ice
25% reduced Effect of Chill on you
Unaffected by Chill during Dodge Roll
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear
Gain 100% of Maximum Energy Shield as additional Freeze Threshold
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed
Enemies you Electrocute have 20% increased Damage taken
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia
Coursing Energy
40% increased Electrocute Buildup
30% increased Shock Chance against Electrocuted Enemies
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed
Mass Rejuvenation
Regenerate 0.5% of Life per second
Allies in your Presence Regenerate 1% of your Maximum Life per second
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire
Desperate Times
Regenerate 1.5% of Life per second while on Low Life
40% increased Life Recovery from Flasks used when on Low Life
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy
Resilient Soul
20% increased Life Regeneration rate
5% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed
Thickened Arteries
5% reduced Movement Speed
Regenerate 1% of Life per second while stationary
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt
Hard to Kill
40% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
Regenerate 0.75% of Life per second
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed
Hale Heart
15% increased Life Recovery rate
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt
Stand Ground
Regenerate 1% of Life per second while affected by any Damaging Ailment
Regenerate 1% of Life per second while stationary
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear
Fortifying Blood
20% increased amount of Life Leeched
40% increased Armour and Evasion Rating while Leeching
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
20% of Leech is Instant
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear
20% increased amount of Life Leeched
Leech Life 25% faster
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation
5% reduced maximum Life
30% increased amount of Life Leeched
40% increased Physical Damage
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire
Savoured Blood
35% increased amount of Life Leeched
Leech Life 20% slower
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
Fast Metabolism
Life Leech effects are not removed when Unreserved Life is Filled
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed
Loose Flesh
15% of Elemental Damage taken Recouped as Life
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia
Taut Flesh
15% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire
Heart Tissue
6% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
Regenerate 0.4% of Life per second if you have been Hit Recently
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy
Infused Flesh
+20 to maximum Life
8% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation
Pliable Flesh
6% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
25% increased speed of Recoup Effects
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear
Glazed Flesh
3% of Damage Taken Recouped as Life, Mana and Energy Shield
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear
Immortal Infamy
10% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Recover 2% of Life on Kill
+10 to Intelligence
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed
Life from Death
Recover 3% of Life on Kill
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed
Taste for Blood
Gain 20 Life per Enemy Killed
2% chance to Recover all Life when you Kill an Enemy
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation
Life Flasks gain 0.15 charges per Second
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust
Hale Traveller
20% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
Life Flasks gain 0.1 charges per Second
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire
Regenerate 1% of Life per Second if you've used a Life Flask in the past 10 seconds
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust
Life Flasks gain 0.1 charges per Second
+10 to Strength
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt
30% increased Life Regeneration rate during Effect of any Life Flask
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy
Heavy Drinker
30% increased Flask Effect Duration
20% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
Recover 5% of Life when you use a Life Flask while on Low Life
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt
Potent Concoctions
Flasks applied to you have 25% increased Effect
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt
Efficient Alchemy
20% increased Flask and Charm Charges gained
40% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks while you have an active Charm
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair
Lasting Concoctions
25% increased Flask Effect Duration
25% increased Flask Charges gained
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation
20% chance for Flasks you use to not consume Charges
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire
Combat Alchemy
10% chance for Flasks you use to not consume Charges
20% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust
Cautious Concoctions
15% increased Flask Effect Duration
15% increased Flask Charges gained
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair
Crashing Wave
36% increased Damage if you've dealt a Critical Hit in the past 8 seconds
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair
Cruel Fate
20% increased Critical Damage Bonus
20% increased Magnitude of Non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt
Leaping Ambush
100% increased Critical Hit Chance against Enemies on Full Life
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia
Direct Approach
40% increased Critical Hit Chance against Enemies that are affected   
by no Elemental Ailments
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust
True Strike
+10 to Dexterity
20% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt
For the Jugular
30% increased Critical Damage Bonus
+10 to Intelligence
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire
Critical Exploit
25% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust
Moment of Truth
25% increased Critical Damage Bonus if you've dealt a Non-Critical Hit Recently
20% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed
Preemptive Strike
100% increased Critical Damage Bonus against Enemies that are on Full Life
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed
25% increased Critical Damage Bonus
Hits against you have 25% reduced Critical Damage Bonus
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy
50% increased Critical Damage Bonus during any Flask Effect
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Envy
Deadly Force
30% increased Damage if you've dealt a Critical Hit in the past 8 seconds
12% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire
25% increased Critical Damage Bonus for Attack Damage
+25% to Critical Damage Bonus against Stunned Enemies
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia
+10 to Intelligence
25% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear
35% increased Critical Damage Bonus
+10 to Strength
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed
Struck Through
Attacks have +1% to Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust
Overwhelming Strike
20% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
20% increased Critical Damage Bonus for Attack Damage
20% increased Stun Buildup with Critical Hits
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair
Vulgar Methods
10% reduced maximum Mana
+10 to Strength
35% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy
Barbaric Strength
45% increased Critical Damage Bonus
10% increased Mana Cost of Skills
+10 to Strength
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed
Tainted Strike
25% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
30% increased Magnitude of Non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia
Dispatch Foes
80% increased Critical Hit Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Hit Recently
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed
Careful Assassin
20% reduced Critical Damage Bonus
50% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation
60% increased Critical Damage Bonus
20% reduced Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire
Blurred Motion
5% increased Attack Speed
10% increased Accuracy Rating
5% increased Dexterity
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt
Tenfold Attacks
4% increased Attack Speed
6% increased Attack Speed if you've been Hit Recently
+10 to Strength
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed
12% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy
8% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Weapons
+15 to Dexterity
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy
Mass Hysteria
Allies in your Presence have 6% increased Attack Speed
6% increased Attack Speed
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Despair
Falcon Technique
1% increased Attack Speed per 15 Dexterity
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair
Sand in the Eyes
10% increased Attack Speed
15% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair
Deep Trance
8% increased Attack Speed
10% reduced Cost of Skills
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy
Flow State
5% increased Skill Speed
15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire
Blinding Flash
20% increased Blind Effect
Blind Enemies when they Stun you
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust
Blood Rush
6% increased Skill Speed
6% of Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust
Final Barrage
20% increased Cast Speed when on Low Life
10% reduced Cast Speed when on Full Life
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation
Casting Cascade
15% reduced Spell Damage
6% increased Cast Speed for each different Non-Instant Spell you've Cast Recently
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy
4% increased Cast Speed for each different Non-Instant Spell you've Cast Recently
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation
16% increased Cast Speed
15% increased Mana Cost of Skills
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering
Spiral into Mania
10% increased Cast Speed
+7% to Chaos Resistance
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation
Spell Haste
15% increased Evasion Rating
8% increased Cast Speed
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy
Practiced Signs
6% increased Cast Speed
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt
16% increased Cast Speed if you've dealt a Critical Hit Recently
10% reduced Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia
Mental Alacrity
5% increased Cast Speed
15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+10 to Intelligence
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt
Hulking Smash
30% increased Stun Buildup
+15 to Strength
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt
30% increased Stun Buildup
30% increased Stun Threshold
5% increased Strength
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust
Cranial Impact
30% increased Stun Buildup
Gain an Endurance Charge when you Heavy Stun a Rare or Unique Enemy
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering
Perfect Opportunity
30% increased Stun Buildup
Damage with Hits is Lucky against Heavy Stunned Enemies
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt
Shattering Blow
Break 50% of Armour on Heavy Stunning an Enemy
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire
Flip the Script
Recover 20% of Life when you Heavy Stun a Rare or Unique Enemy
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering
Ignore Pain
Gain 3 Rage when Hit by an Enemy
Every Rage also grants 2% increased Stun Threshold
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear
Battle Trance
+8 to Maximum Rage
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair
Prolonged Fury
Inherent loss of Rage is 25% slower
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed
+4 to Maximum Rage
Inherent Rage Loss starts 1 second later
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair
Vengeful Fury
Gain 5 Rage when Hit by an Enemy
Every Rage also grants 1% increased Armour
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation
Sudden Infuriation
3% chance that if you would gain Rage on Hit, you instead gain up to your maximum Rage
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia
Deep Wounds
Attack Hits Aggravate any Bleeding on targets which is older than 4 seconds
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire
10% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit
15% increased Magnitude of Bleeding you inflict
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation
Perfectly Placed Knife
30% increased Critical Hit Chance against Bleeding Enemies
20% chance to Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Critically Hit with Attacks
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Envy
10% chance to Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Hit with Attacks
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear
Bleeding Out
+250 to Accuracy against Bleeding Enemies
Bleeding you inflict deals Damage 10% faster
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust
25% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
+10 to Strength
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia
Slow Burn
20% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
20% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Guilt
40% increased chance to Ignite
Enemies Ignited by you have -5% to Fire Resistance
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia
Ignites you inflict deal Damage 15% faster
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation
Inescapable Cold
40% increased Freeze Buildup
20% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair
25% increased Freeze Buildup
15% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
15% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflict
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair
Chilled to the Bone
20% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
30% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflict
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation
Perpetual Freeze
15% increased Freeze Buildup
15% increased Chill and Freeze Duration on Enemies
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire
Branching Bolts
60% chance for Lightning Skills to Chain an additional time
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia
15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
30% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed
General Electric
40% increased chance to Shock
5% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Lightning Skills
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire
40% increased chance to Shock
Gain 5% of Lightning Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire
+20 to maximum Mana
50% increased Shock Duration
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair
Harmonic Generator
25% increased Critical Hit Chance against Shocked Enemies
40% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict with Critical Hits
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Disgust
Escalating Toxins
10% increased Poison Duration for each Poison you have inflicted Recently, up to a maximum of 100%
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation
Building Toxins
25% reduced Poison Duration
Targets can be affected by +1 of your Poisons at the same time
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy
Crippling Toxins
25% chance for Attacks to Maim on Hit against Poisoned Enemies
25% increased Magnitude of Poison you inflict
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering
Leeching Toxins
30% increased Magnitude of Poison you inflict
Recover 2% of Life on Killing a Poisoned Enemy
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy
Lasting Toxins
10% increased Skill Effect Duration
50% increased Poison Duration
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation
Low Tolerance
60% increased Effect of Poison you inflict on targets that are not Poisoned
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia
Stacking Toxins
Targets can be affected by +1 of your Poisons at the same time
20% reduced Magnitude of Poison you inflict
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt
5% chance that if you would gain Frenzy Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy Charges
+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia
50% increased Evasion Rating if you've consumed a Frenzy Charge Recently
+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation
+2 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy
+2 to Maximum Endurance Charges
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire
Recover 3% of Life for each Endurance Charge consumed
+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy
5% chance that if you would gain Endurance Charges, you instead gain up to maximum Endurance Charges
+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt
Lust for Power
5% chance that if you would gain Power Charges, you instead gain up to   
your maximum number of Power Charges
+1 to Maximum Power Charges
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed
Overflowing Power
+2 to Maximum Power Charges
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering
The Power Within
20% increased Critical Damage Bonus if you've gained a Power Charge Recently
+1 to Maximum Power Charges
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear
40% increased Damage with Warcries
Warcry Skills have 25% increased Area of Effect
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair
Vocal Empowerment
Warcries Empower an additional Attack
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia
Internal Bleeding
20% chance to Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Hit with Empowered Attacks
Empowered Attacks deal 30% increased Damage
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair
Empowered Attacks have 50% increased Stun Buildup
100% increased Stun Threshold during Empowered Attacks
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia
Deafening Cries
25% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
8% increased Damage for each time you've Warcried Recently
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust
Guttural Roar
30% increased Warcry Speed
Warcry Skills have 30% increased Area of Effect
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust
25% increased Warcry Speed
25% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia
Bolstering Yell
Empowered Attacks deal 30% increased Damage
Warcry Skills have 30% increased Area of Effect
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
Urgent Call
Recover 2% of Life and Mana when you use a Warcry
24% increased Warcry Speed
18% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt
25% increased Warcry Speed
20% increased Damage for each different Warcry you've used Recently
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire
Impending Doom
40% faster Curse Activation
Your Curses have 20% increased Effect if 50% of Curse Duration expired
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy
Zone of Control
40% increased Area of Effect of Curses
8% increased Effect of your Curses
Enemies you Curse are Hindered, with 15% reduced Movement Speed
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering
Master of Hexes
25% reduced Curse Duration
18% increased Effect of your Curses
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair
Fated End
30% increased Curse Duration
Enemies Cursed by you have 50% reduced Life Regeneration Rate
Enemies you Curse cannot Recharge Energy Shield
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy
Lingering Whispers
40% increased Curse Duration
10% increased Effect of your Curses
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation
Supportive Ancestors
25% increased Damage while you have a Totem
Totems have 2% increased Cast Speed per Summoned Totem
Totems have 2% increased Attack Speed per Summoned Totem
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire
Carved Earth
20% increased Totem Damage
6% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've summoned a Totem Recently
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering
Attack Skills have +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
Skills that would Summon a Totem have 20% chance to Summon two Totems instead
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering
Ancestral Artifice
Attack Skills have +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
20% increased Totem Placement range
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy
Ancestral Unity
Totems have 4% increased Attack Speed per Summoned Totem
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair
Hardened Wood
Totems gain +20% to all Elemental Resistances
Totems have 20% additional Physical Damage Reduction
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear
Spirit Bond
30% increased Totem Life
30% increased Totem Duration
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire
Ancestral Reach
25% increased Totem Placement speed
50% increased Totem Placement range
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt
Ancestral Alacrity
30% increased Totem Placement speed
8% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've summoned a Totem Recently
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering
Ancestral Conduits
12% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've summoned a Totem Recently
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia
Ancestral Mending
Regenerate 1% of Life per second while you have a Totem
Totems Regenerate 3% of Life per second
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust
Deadly Swarm
Minions deal 15% increased Damage
Minions have 20% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire
Lord of Horrors
Minions have 12% reduced Reservation
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt
Fear of Death
Minions have +150 to Accuracy Rating
25% increased Minion Accuracy Rating
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire
Dead can Dance
Minions have 25% increased Evasion Rating
Your Dexterity is added to your Minions
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation
Relentless Fallen
Minions have 20% increased Movement Speed
Minions have 8% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
Right Hand of Darkness
Minions have 20% increased Area of Effect
Minions have 10% chance to inflict Withered on Hit
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire
Grip of Evil
Minions have 40% increased Critical Damage Bonus
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering
Necrotic Touch
Minions have 40% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust
Restless Dead
Minions Revive 25% faster
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear
Growing Swarm
Minions have 20% increased Area of Effect
Minions have 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust
Minions Revive 15% faster
You gain 2% Life when one of your Minions is Revived
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear
Necrotised Flesh
Minions have 40% increased maximum Life
Minions have 10% reduced Life Recovery rate
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Envy
Left Hand of Darkness
Minions have 20% additional Physical Damage Reduction
Minions have +23% to Chaos Resistance
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering
Crystalline Flesh
Minions have +20% to all Elemental Resistances
Minions have +5% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear
Minions gain 15% of their Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear
Vile Mending
Minions have 20% increased maximum Life
Minions Regenerate 3% of Life per second
Minions have +13% to Chaos Resistance
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed
Regenerative Flesh
Minions Recoup 10% of Damage taken as Life
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust
Living Death
Minions have +22% to all Elemental Resistances
Minions have +3% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Envy
Entropic Incarnation
Minions have +13% to Chaos Resistance
Minions gain 8% of Physical Damage as Chaos Damage
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair
Skills Supported by Unleash have 25% increased Seal gain frequency
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust
Lasting Incantations
20% increased Spell Damage
20% increased Skill Effect Duration
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust
Potent Incantation
30% increased Spell Damage
5% reduced Cast Speed
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear
32% increased Spell Damage while wielding a Melee Weapon
+10 to Dexterity
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear
Rapid Strike
+30 to Accuracy Rating
8% increased Melee Attack Speed
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed
Serrated Edges
10% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
30% increased Attack Damage against Rare or Unique Enemies
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire
Personal Touch
20% increased Melee Damage
25% increased Melee Damage against Immobilised Enemies
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy
In Your Face
40% increased Melee Damage with Hits at Close Range
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia
8% increased Melee Attack Speed
+10 to Dexterity
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire
Unerring Impact
10% increased Accuracy Rating with One Handed Melee Weapons
10% increased Accuracy Rating with Two Handed Melee Weapons
+2 to Melee Strike Range
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy
Heavy Weaponry
15% increased Melee Damage
15% increased Stun Buildup with Melee Damage
+15 to Strength
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt
Reaching Strike
25% increased Melee Damage
+2 to Melee Strike Range
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt
Deadly Flourish
20% increased Melee Critical Hit Chance
melee critical strike chance +% when on full life [20]
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy
30% increased Melee Damage when on Full Life
16% increased Attack Speed if you haven't Attacked Recently
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust
Breaking Blows
30% increased Stun Buildup
15% increased Area of Effect if you have Stunned an Enemy Recently
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear
25% increased Armour if you've Hit an Enemy with a Melee Attack Recently
50% increased Melee Damage against Immobilised Enemies
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire
20% increased Melee Damage
40% increased Melee Damage against Heavy Stunned enemies
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire
Maiming Strike
25% increased Attack Damage
Attacks have 25% chance to Maim on Hit
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering
Prolonged Assault
16% increased Attack Damage
16% increased Skill Effect Duration
Buffs on you expire 10% slower
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy
Blinding Strike
24% increased Attack Damage
10% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed
Killer Instinct
30% increased Attack Damage when on Full Life
50% increased Attack Damage when on Low Life
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation
Presence Present
Allies in your Presence have +100 to Accuracy Rating
35% increased Attack Damage while you have an Ally in your Presence
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation
Unexpected Finesse
10% increased Attack Damage
Gain Accuracy Rating equal to your Strength
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair
Kite Runner
3% increased Movement Speed
15% increased Projectile Speed
15% increased Projectile Damage
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia
Careful Aim
16% increased Projectile Damage
40% increased Accuracy Rating at Close Range
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed
Heavy Ammunition
8% reduced Attack Speed
40% increased Projectile Damage
40% increased Projectile Stun Buildup
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Guilt
Trick Shot
Projectiles have 15% chance to Chain an additional time from terrain
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust
Piercing Shot
50% chance to Pierce an Enemy
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia
Split Shot
Projectiles have 75% chance for an additional Projectile when Forking
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt
15% increased Projectile Speed
15% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy
Short Shot
15% reduced Projectile Speed
20% increased Projectile Damage
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire
Close Confines
25% chance for Projectiles to Pierce Enemies within 3m distance of you
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust
30% chance to Pierce an Enemy
Projectiles have 10% chance to Chain an additional time from terrain
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed
Advanced Munitions
25% increased chance to inflict Ailments with Projectiles
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
Total Incineration
25% increased Critical Damage Bonus against Burning Enemies
10% chance to refresh Ignite Duration on Critical Hit
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed
Burning Nature
25% increased Fire Damage
15% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire
Sigil of Fire
30% increased Damage with Hits against Ignited Enemies
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed
Path of Flame
18% increased Fire Damage
30% increased chance to Ignite
Witch: 15% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
Witch: 18% increased Physical Damage
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust
Burn Away
15% increased Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates 10% Fire Resistance
10% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust
Echoing Flames
Mastery: Bestiary
30% increased Elemental Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear
Intense Flames
35% increased Damage with Hits against Burning Enemies
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear
Explosive Impact
15% increased Area of Effect
Burning Enemies you kill have a 5% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Fire Damage
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia
Volcanic Skin
Gain 8% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
+20% to Fire Resistance
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation
Burning Strikes
Gain 12% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt
30% increased chance to Ignite
30% increased Damage with Hits against Burning Enemies
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed
40% increased chance to Ignite
40% increased Damage with Hits against Ignited Enemies
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt
Cold Nature
25% increased Cold Damage
15% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt
Sigil of Ice
30% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed
Thin Ice
20% increased Freeze Buildup
50% increased Damage with Hits against Frozen Enemies
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia
Heavy Frost
20% increased Freeze Buildup
Hits ignore non-negative Elemental Resistances of Frozen Enemies
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair
Path of Winter
18% increased Cold Damage
30% increased Freeze Buildup
Witch: Minions deal 15% increased Damage
Witch: Minions have 3% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire
Harsh Winter
8% increased Cast Speed with Cold Skills
16% increased Skill Effect Duration
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair
Climate Change
20% increased Freeze Buildup
Gain 25% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage against Frozen Enemies
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed
Echoing Frost
30% increased Elemental Damage if you've Chilled an Enemy Recently
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear
Endless Blizzard
+1 to Level of all Cold Skills
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Suffering
Essence of the Mountain
Gain 5% of Damage as Extra Cold Damage
20% increased Freeze Buildup
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering
Pure Power
2% increased Lightning Damage per 10 Intelligence
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia
Electrifying Nature
25% increased Lightning Damage
15% increased Shock Duration
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia
Sigil of Lightning
30% increased Damage with Hits against Shocked Enemies
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering
Power Conduction
25% increased Shock Duration
25% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation
Wild Storm
15% more Maximum Lightning Damage
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire
Path of Storms
18% increased Lightning Damage
30% increased chance to Shock
Witch: 18% increased Chaos Damage
Witch: 15% increased Skill Effect Duration
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation
Flash Storm
30% increased chance to Shock
Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia
50% increased Electrocute Buildup against Shocked Enemies
50% increased Shock Chance against Electrocuted Enemies
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust
Spreading Shocks
Shocking Hits have a 50% chance to also Shock enemies in a 1.5 metre radius
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair
Endless Circuit
25% chance on Consuming a Shock on an Enemy to reapply it
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation
Lightning Quick
14% increased Lightning Damage
8% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Lightning Skills
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire
Echoing Thunder
30% increased Elemental Damage if you've Shocked an Enemy Recently
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia
Essence of the Storm
Gain 5% of Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
30% increased chance to Shock
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Suffering
Alternating Current
25% increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently
20% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Guilt
Pure Chaos
Gain 11% of Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation
Dark Entries
+1 to Level of all Chaos Skills
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear
3% increased Movement Speed
29% increased Chaos Damage
-13% to Chaos Resistance
23% reduced Light Radius
7% increased Attributes
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Guilt
Event Horizon
53% increased Chaos Damage
Lose 3% of Life and Energy Shield when you use a Chaos Skill
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy
Spiral into Insanity
29% increased Chaos Damage
10% increased Global Defences
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering
Break 30% increased Armour on enemies affected by Ailments
+10 to Strength
25% increased Physical Damage
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust
29% increased Chaos Damage
Enemies you Curse have -3% to Chaos Resistance
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust
Lingering Horror
23% increased Chaos Damage
15% increased Skill Effect Duration
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation
Wither Away
Unwithered enemies are Withered for 8 seconds when they enter your Presence
20% increased Effect of Withered
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia
Shatter Palm
30% increased Stun Buildup
30% increased Daze Buildup
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation
Cut to the Bone
Break Armour on Critical Hit with Spells equal to 10% of Physical Damage dealt
10% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit
20% increased Physical Damage
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair
Staggering Palm
20% increased Critical Damage Bonus
20% increased Knockback Distance
20% increased Physical Damage
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering
Madness in the Bones
Gain 6% of Physical Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed
Shredding Force
15% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
15% increased Critical Spell Damage Bonus
15% increased Magnitude of Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed
Blood Tearing
15% increased Magnitude of Bleeding you inflict
25% increased Physical Damage
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia
Tempered Mind
20% increased Critical Damage Bonus
+10 to Strength
20% increased Physical Damage
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation
Battle Fever
5% increased Attack and Cast Speed
25% increased Physical Damage
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt
Unbound Forces
40% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
40% increased Shock Duration
25% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflict
25% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation
Harness the Elements
15% increased Damage for each type of Elemental Ailment on Enemy
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy
40% increased Elemental Damage if you've dealt a Critical Hit Recently
20% increased Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed
30% increased Cold Exposure Effect
30% increased Fire Exposure Effect
30% increased Lightning Exposure Effect
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear
Breaking Point
10% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
30% increased Magnitude of Non-Damaging Ailments you inflict
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed
All Natural
+5% to all Elemental Resistances
30% increased Elemental Damage
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt
15% increased Damage for each type of Elemental Ailment on Enemy
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia
Mind Eraser
10% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
6% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt
Sturdy Mind
+30 to maximum Mana
14% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt
Mana Blessing
+20 to maximum Mana
5% increased maximum Mana
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering
8% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
+15 to Intelligence
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed
Mental Toughness
18% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
15% reduced Mana Cost while not on Low Mana
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair
Arcane Intensity
3% increased Spell Damage per 100 maximum Mana
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation
Raw Mana
12% increased maximum Mana
10% increased Mana Cost of Skills
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust
Adverse Growth
20% reduced Life Regeneration rate
20% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation
Soul Bloom
15% increased Energy Shield Recovery rate
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy
Investing Energies
40% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while stationary
20% reduced Mana Regeneration Rate while moving
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire
Conservative Casting
20% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
8% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt
Full Recovery
15% increased Life Regeneration rate
15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair
Arcane Blossom
15% increased Mana Recovery rate
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed
Aspiring Genius
20% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
10% chance to Gain Arcane Surge when you deal a Critical Hit
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire
Open Mind
25% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
Touch the Arcane
40% increased effect of Arcane Surge on you
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy
Ether Flow
25% reduced Mana Regeneration Rate while stationary
50% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while moving
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire
Price of Freedom
10% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
18% of Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt
30% increased amount of Mana Leeched
Unaffected by Chill while Leeching Mana
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt
Recover 2% of Mana on Kill
25% increased amount of Mana Leeched
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear
Manifold Method
50% increased amount of Mana Leeched
25% increased chance to inflict Ailments against Rare or Unique Enemies
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt
Immortal Thirst
15% increased maximum Energy Shield
25% increased amount of Mana Leeched
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt
Altered Brain Chemistry
25% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
10% increased Mana Recovery Rate during Effect of any Mana Flask
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt
30% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
8% increased Attack and Cast Speed during Effect of any Mana Flask
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed
Arcane Alchemy
Mana Flasks gain 0.1 charges per Second
+10 to Intelligence
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia
Warding Potions
10% reduced Flask Charges used from Mana Flasks
Remove a Curse when you use a Mana Flask
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust
Waters of Life
Recover 2% of Life when you use a Mana Flask
Mana Flasks gain 0.1 charges per Second
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust
10% increased Accuracy Rating
Gain Accuracy Rating equal to your Intelligence
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy
Determined Precision
30% increased Accuracy Rating at Close Range
+10 to Dexterity
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt
Eagle Eye
+30 to Accuracy Rating
10% increased Accuracy Rating
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy
Locked On
15% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
15% increased Accuracy Rating
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia
Falcon Dive
1% increased Attack Speed per 250 Accuracy Rating
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia
Near Sighted
60% increased Accuracy Rating at Close Range
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear
Far Sighted
30% reduced penalty to Accuracy Rating at range
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire
Sharp Sight
5% increased Attack Speed
30% increased Accuracy Rating against Rare or Unique Enemies
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy
Pinpoint Shot
Attacks gain increased Accuracy Rating equal to their Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering
Coming Calamity
50% increased Cold Damage while affected by Herald of Ice
50% increased Fire Damage while affected by Herald of Ash
50% increased Lightning Damage while affected by Herald of Thunder
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed
Fate Finding
15% reduced Reservation of Herald Skills
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed
40% reduced Damage
+6% to Critical Hit Chance of Herald Skills
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust
Herald Skills have 30% increased Area of Effect
Herald Skills deal 30% increased Damage
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering
Bolstering Presence
20% increased Effect of Auras from your Skills
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia
25% chance for Trigger skills to refund half of Energy Spent
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia
Invocated Efficiency
Recover 3% of Mana when you Invoke a Spell
Triggered Spells deal 45% increased Spell Damage
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire
40% increased Damage if you've Triggered a Skill Recently
Meta Skills gain 15% increased Energy
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt
20% increased Skill Effect Duration
15% increased Duration of Damaging Ailments on Enemies
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire
25% increased Skill Effect Duration
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear
Tides of Change
25% increased Skill Effect Duration
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Suffering
16% reduced Skill Effect Duration
10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust
Twinned Tethers
Link Skills Link to 1 additional random target
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy
Strong Links
Link Skills have 20% increased Buff Effect
Link Skills have 20% increased Skill Effect Duration
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Suffering
Spirit Bonds
Link Skills can target Damageable Minions
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair
Swift Claw
25% increased Attack Damage
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair
Tough Claw
25% increased Attack Damage
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed
Sharpened Claw
25% increased Attack Damage
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear
Bestial Rage
25% increased Attack Damage
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia
Feral Force
25% increased Attack Damage
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear
First Approach
50% increased Critical Hit Chance against Enemies on Full Life
Cannot be Blinded while on Full Life
80% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Full Life
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire
Finishing Blows
60% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Low Life
30% increased Stun Buildup against Enemies that are on Low Life
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation
Stars Aligned
Damage with Hits is Lucky against Enemies that are on Low Life
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed
Mental Perseverance
10% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt
Two-Pronged Attack
Minions deal 25% increased Damage
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Suffering
Resourceful Ally
Minions deal 25% increased Damage
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair
Sturdy Ally
Minions have 25% increased maximum Life
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation
24% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia
Near at Hand
16% reduced Skill Effect Duration
10% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy
Time Manipulation
Debuffs you inflict have 10% increased Slow Magnitude
Debuffs on you expire 20% faster
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair
20% increased Skill Effect Duration
Debuffs you inflict have 10% increased Slow Magnitude
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy
Hindered Capabilities
30% increased Damage with Hits against Hindered Enemies
Debuffs you inflict have 10% increased Slow Magnitude
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire
Quick-change Act
50% increased Weapon Swap Speed
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia
20% increased Elemental Damage with Attacks
5% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Damage of a Random Element
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Greed
Crystal Elixir
40% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills during any Flask Effect
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire
Forces of Nature
Attack Damage Penetrates 15% of Enemy Elemental Resistances
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed
Emboldened Avatar
25% increased chance to Ignite
25% increased Freeze Buildup
25% increased chance to Shock
25% increased Electrocute Buildup
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia
Pocket Sand
50% increased Blind Effect
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust
3% increased Movement Speed
10% increased Skill Speed
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear
Adrenaline Rush
4% increased Movement Speed if you've Killed Recently
8% increased Attack Speed if you've Killed Recently
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear
Primal Growth
20% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed Recently
10% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust
Impact Area
15% increased Area of Effect if you have Stunned an Enemy Recently
15% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair
15% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
15% increased Attack Area Damage
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear
Impact Force
20% increased Stun Buildup
25% increased Attack Area Damage
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering
20% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire
Crushing Judgement
25% increased Armour Break Duration
25% increased Attack Area Damage
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair
Reverberating Impact
Break 25% increased Armour
16% increased Area of Effect for Attacks
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire
Spell Skills have 30% increased Area of Effect
10% reduced Spell Area Damage
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair
Area Skills have 20% chance to Knock Enemies Back on Hit
20% increased Spell Area Damage
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire
Echoing Pulse
Final Repeat of Spells has 40% increased Area of Effect
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear
Spell Skills have 20% increased Area of Effect
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering
Spell Skills have 10% reduced Area of Effect
35% increased Spell Area Damage
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair
Turn the Clock Back
20% reduced Projectile Speed for Spell Skills
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt
Turn the Clock Forward
20% increased Projectile Speed for Spell Skills
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation
Psychic Fragmentation
12% chance for Spell Skills to fire 2 additional Projectiles
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Ire
Radial Force
10% increased Area of Effect
10% increased Area Damage
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering
Cull the Hordes
25% increased Culling Strike Threshold
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair
25% increased Damage with Hits against Rare and Unique Enemies
20% increased Accuracy Rating against Rare or Unique Enemies
20% increased chance to inflict Ailments against Rare or Unique Enemies
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire
Crushing Verdict
5% reduced Attack Speed
30% increased Stun Buildup
50% increased Attack Damage
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy
Lasting Trauma
5% reduced Attack Speed
30% increased Magnitude of Ailments you inflict
20% increased Duration of Damaging Ailments on Enemies
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia
Seeing Stars
25% increased Daze Buildup
25% increased Daze Duration
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Paranoia
25% increased Critical Hit Chance against Dazed Enemies
25% increased Damage against Dazed Enemies
25% increased Daze Buildup
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation
12% increased Attack Speed if you've been Hit Recently
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering
75% increased Thorns damage if you've Blocked Recently
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust
Spiked Armour
Gain Physical Thorns damage equal to 2% of Armour from equipped Body Armour
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy
40% increased Thorns damage
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear
+5% to Thorns Critical Hit Chance
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed
In the Thick of It
Regenerate 2.5% of Life per second while Surrounded
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire
Thrill of Battle
20% increased Attack Speed while Surrounded
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust
Silent Guardian
Minions have +20% to all Elemental Resistances
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust
Bringer of Order
Minions deal 25% increased Damage
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering
Holy Protector
Minions have 25% increased maximum Life
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed
40% increased Aftershock Area of Effect
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Paranoia
Hold Focus
15% increased Effect of your Mark Skills
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt
Marked for Death
Culling Strike against Enemies you Mark
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust
No Escape
Mark Skills have 60% increased Skill Effect Duration
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire
Break Focus
Enemies you Mark have 15% reduced Accuracy Rating
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation
Marked for Sickness
Enemies you Mark take 10% increased Damage
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering
Marked Agility
30% reduced Mana Cost of Mark Skills
4% increased Movement Speed if you've cast a Mark Spell Recently
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair
Enemies near Enemies you Mark are Blinded
Enemies you Mark cannot deal Critical Hits
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear
Offerings have 30% increased Maximum Life
Recover 3% of Life when you create an Offering
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Guilt
Meat Recycling
15% chance to not destroy Corpses when Consuming Corpses
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Paranoia
Lust for Sacrifice
40% increased Minion Damage while you have at least two different active Offerings
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Suffering
Vile Wounds
33% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies affected by Elemental Ailments
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation
25% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies affected by Elemental Ailments
15% increased Duration of Ignite, Shock and Chill on Enemies
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation
Exploit the Elements
24% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies affected by Elemental Ailments
30% increased chance to inflict Ailments against Rare or Unique Enemies
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Greed
Clean Shot
15% chance to Pierce an Enemy
15% increased Projectile Damage
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Disgust
15% increased Projectile Damage
Projectiles have 10% chance to Chain an additional time from terrain
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation
Stand and Deliver
Projectiles have 40% increased Critical Damage Bonus against Enemies within 2m
Projectiles deal 25% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies within 2m
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt
Death from Afar
Projectiles have 25% increased Critical Hit Chance against Enemies further than 6m
Projectiles deal 25% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies further than 6m
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy
10% increased Stun Buildup
16% increased Melee Damage
+10 to Strength
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Greed
15% increased Armour
Regenerate 0.5% of Life per second
+10 to Strength
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire
4% increased Movement Speed
20% increased Evasion Rating
+10 to Dexterity
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia
Honed Instincts
8% increased Projectile Speed
8% increased Attack Speed
+10 to Dexterity
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Despair
Raw Power
20% increased Spell Damage
+10 to Intelligence
Witch: 16% increased Spell Damage
Witch: Minions deal 16% increased Damage
Witch: +10 to Intelligence
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust
Pure Energy
30% increased maximum Energy Shield
+10 to Intelligence
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Paranoia
Hits against you have 20% reduced Critical Damage Bonus
20% increased Armour and Evasion Rating
+5 to Strength and Dexterity
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Guilt
15% increased Projectile Damage
30% increased Stun Buildup against enemies within 2 metres
+5 to Strength and Dexterity
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Envy
Relentless Vindicator
10% increased Damage
10% increased Critical Hit Chance
+5 to Strength and Intelligence
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Envy
Devoted Protector
10% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Regenerate 0.5% of Life per second
+5 to Strength and Intelligence
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair
Flow Like Water
8% increased Attack and Cast Speed
+5 to Dexterity and Intelligence
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire
Step Like Mist
4% increased Movement Speed
15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+5 to Dexterity and Intelligence
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear
Sudden Escalation
16% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
8% increased Cast Speed if you've dealt a Critical Hit Recently
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Ire
Critical Overload
15% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
15% increased Spell Damage if you've dealt a Critical Hit Recently
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation
Controlling Magic
25% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
Hits have 25% reduced Critical Hit Chance against you
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Despair
30% increased Attack Damage if you've Cast a Spell Recently
10% increased Cast Speed if you've Attacked Recently
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia
20% increased Stun Buildup
20% increased Knockback Distance
+10 to Strength
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Guilt
Clear Space
20% increased Knockback Distance
20% chance toKnock Enemies Back with Hits at Close Range
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Disgust
Exposed to the Inferno
Damage Penetrates 15% Fire Resistance
Fire Exposure you inflict lowers Total Fire Resistance by an extra 5%
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Isolation
Breath of Fire
Damage Penetrates 15% Fire Resistance
+10 to Strength
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Isolation
Damage Penetrates 18% Fire Resistance
25% increased Fire Exposure Effect
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Fear
Smoke Inhalation
Damage Penetrates 15% Fire Resistance
15% increased Duration of Damaging Ailments on Enemies
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt
Overheating Blow
Hits that Heavy Stun inflict Fire Exposure
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Ire
Shattered Crystal
60% reduced Ice Crystal Life
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust
Ice Walls
200% increased Ice Crystal Life
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Suffering
Storm Swell
Damage Penetrates 15% Cold Resistance
Damage Penetrates 8% Lightning Resistance
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia
Exposed to the Cosmos
Damage Penetrates 15% Cold Resistance
Cold Exposure you inflict lowers Total Cold Resistance by an extra 5%
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Disgust
Damage Penetrates 15% Cold Resistance
+10 to Intelligence
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Suffering
Breath of Ice
Damage Penetrates 15% Cold Resistance
+10 to Intelligence
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation
Damage Penetrates 18% Cold Resistance
25% increased Cold Exposure Effect
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Envy
Damage Penetrates 10% Lightning Resistance if on Low Mana
Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Despair
Exposed to the Storm
Damage Penetrates 18% Lightning Resistance
30% increased Critical Hit Chance against enemies with Lightning Exposure
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed
Storm Surge
Damage Penetrates 8% Cold Resistance
Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation
Breath of Lightning
Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
+10 to Dexterity
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Isolation
Surging Currents
Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance
+10 to Dexterity
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Disgust
Electric Amplification
Damage Penetrates 18% Lightning Resistance
25% increased Lightning Exposure Effect
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation
Lightning Rod
Lightning Damage with Non-Critical Hits is Lucky
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Guilt
5% increased Skill Speed
30% increased Electrocute Buildup
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Despair
Way of the Wind
25% increased Evasion if you have Hit an Enemy Recently
50% increased maximum Dash Distance with Unarmed Attack Skills
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt
20% increased Area of Effect while Unarmed
25% reduced Damage with Unarmed Attacks
20% increased Unarmed Attack Speed
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Ire
Pressure Points
35% increased Stun Buildup
35% increased Freeze Buildup
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Greed
Break 60% increased Armour
10% chance to Defend with 200% of Armour
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Ire
Pile On
60% increased Damage against Enemies with Fully Broken Armour
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust
100% increased Armour Break Duration
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia
Cruel Methods
Break 40% increased Armour
25% increased Physical Damage
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Suffering
20% chance for Bleeding to be Aggravated when Inflicted against Enemies on Jagged Ground
40% increased Jagged Ground Duration
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Greed
Spike Pit
Enemies in Jagged Ground you create take 10% increased Damage
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Suffering
Distracting Presence
10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Enemies in your Presence have 10% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Fear
15% increased Skill Effect Duration
12% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Ire
Volatile Catalyst
10% increased Area of Effect
10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Isolation
Damaging Ailments Cannot Be inflicted on you while you already have one
20% increased Magnitude of Damaging Ailments you inflict
Distilled Envy   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed
Exposed Wounds
15% increased chance to inflict Ailments
Break 30% increased Armour on enemies affected by Ailments
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Isolation
Fast Acting Toxins
Damaging Ailments deal damage 12% faster
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair
15% increased Duration of Damaging Ailments on Enemies
30% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies affected by Ailments
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust
Master Fletching
30% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Quiver
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Isolation
Grenade Skills have +1 Cooldown Use
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Disgust
Cluster Bombs
50% increased Grenade fuse duration
Grenade Skills Fire an additional Projectile
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Ire   
Distilled Despair
Volatile Grenades
25% reduced Grenade fuse duration
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Envy
Pinned Down
Enemies are Maimed for 4 seconds after becoming Unpinned
40% increased Pin Buildup
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair   
Distilled Disgust
Pin and Run
30% increased Pin Buildup
5% increased Movement Speed if you've Pinned an Enemy Recently
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Paranoia
Primal Protection
25% increased Charm Effect Duration
25% increased Charm Charges gained
Distilled Greed   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Despair
Vale Shelter
Charms gain 0.15 charges per Second
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Fear   
Distilled Paranoia
Thicket Warding
20% chance for Charms you use to not consume Charges
Recover 5% of Mana when a Charm is used
Distilled Isolation   
Distilled Disgust   
Distilled Ire
Lucky Rabbit Foot
30% increased Damage while you have an active Charm
6% increased Movement Speed while you have an active Charm
Distilled Suffering   
Distilled Guilt   
Distilled Isolation
Woodland Aspect
Charms applied to you have 25% increased Effect
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia   
Distilled Paranoia
Hunter's Talisman
+1 Charm Slot

Distilled Emotions Map Anoint Effects

TierNameWaystone modifiers
1Distilled IrePlayers in Area are 7% Delirious   
20% increased Magic Monsters
2Distilled GuiltPlayers in Area are 9% Delirious   
8% increased Pack Size
3Distilled GreedPlayers in Area are 10% Delirious   
8% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
4Distilled ParanoiaPlayers in Area are 12% Delirious   
15% increased number of Rare Monsters
5Distilled EnvyPlayers in Area are 15% Delirious   
30% increased Waystones found in Area
6Distilled DisgustPlayers in Area are 18% Delirious   
30% increased Precursor Tablets found in Area
7Distilled DespairPlayers in Area are 20% Delirious   
30% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found in Area
8Distilled FearPlayers in Area are 22% Delirious   
Rare Monsters have a 25% chance to have an additional Modifier
9Distilled SufferingPlayers in Area are 25% Delirious   
Unique Monsters have 1 additional Modifier
10Distilled IsolationPlayers in Area are 50% Delirious

Distilled Emotions Anoint Combinations Example

  • Distilled Emotions Combinations: Distilled Guilt + Distilled Greed + Distilled Paranoia
  • Anoint outcome: Primal Protection notable. It grants: 25% increased Charm Effect Duration and 25% increased Charm Charges gained
PoE 2 Anoint Example
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