Best Brigantine Build for Skull and Bones Season 1

jeu: Skull and Bones
heure: 2024-03-08
vues: 681

The Brigantine build for Skull and Bones Season 1 has undergone significant updates to adapt to the changes introduced in the new season. The key focus of this build remains on creating a versatile ship capable of excelling in various game modes, including PVE plunders and PVP matchups. Here are the best Brigantine Builds in Skull and Bones Season 1 which will help you to stay on top in the upcoming games.

Ship Rank Upgrade

The ship rank upgrade to level 12 in Skull and Bones Season 1 has brought significant changes to ship builds, enhancing performance and adaptability. With the new rank cap at 14, but effectively limited to 12 based on gear scores, players must optimize their ships for improved damage output and survivability. The upgrade to ship rank 12 allows for better combat effectiveness, especially when facing higher-level enemy ships like Leest at level 13.

Ship Rank

Related: Skull and Bones La Peste Boss Tricks - Season 1

Brigantine build for Season 1

The Brigantine build for Skull and Bones Season 1 has been updated to adapt to the changes introduced in the new season. The build focuses on creating a versatile ship capable of excelling in various game modes, including PVE plunders and PVP matchups.

Weapon Loadout

Here is a breakdown of the weapon loadout changes made to the Brigantine build:

1. Bow and Stern: The Fire Bombard III has been replaced with Dardel bombards, purple tier bombards offering superior Splash AOE damage. These bombards can be obtained from the black market or by fighting Laest.

Dardanelles Gun

2. Port and Starboard: Zamas cannons are still favored for their effectiveness and synergy with other components, providing solid damage output.


3. Auxiliary: The new Poison Mortar from the black market has been added as an option, creating a poison cloud area effect. Alternatively, the Leopold 3 mortar with flooding capabilities remains a strong choice.

Leopold 3

These adjustments aim to optimize the Brigantine's combat effectiveness, especially in close-range encounters and PVP matchups. The weapon loadout changes reflect a strategic approach to enhancing damage output and adaptability in different gameplay scenarios throughout Season 1 of Skull and Bones.

Furniture Selection

The furniture selection for the Brigantine build in Skull and Bones Season 1 has been carefully curated to enhance the ship's performance in various game modes. Here is a summary of the key furniture selections and their strategic benefits:

Major Furniture Piece

The Scrapper Station remains a crucial component of the build, accelerating crew attacks and providing sustained healing during battles. This piece synergizes well with the Zamas cannons, allowing for faster crew attack activation and increased sustainability in combat scenarios.

Scrapper Station

Additional Furniture Pieces

1. LA Poent Schematics: This new furniture piece from The Smuggler Pass offers a 10% bonus to weak point damage, enhancing overall damage output during encounters.

LA Poent Schematics

2. Balanced Mast: Adds 8% increased maneuverability, acceleration, and deceleration, improving the ship's agility and responsiveness in battles.

Balanced Mast

3. Iron Cladding Station: Provides a 25% bonus to ramming damage, emphasizing a focus on ramming tactics as an effective opener against higher-level ships.

Iron Cladding Station

4. Leather Rope Grips: Helps reduce stamina consumption by trimming the Brig sails at top speed, optimizing sailing efficiency during intense maneuvers.

Leather Rope Grips

Armor Choice

The armor choice for the Brigantine build in Skull and Bones Season 1 remains crucial for enhancing the ship's survivability and combat effectiveness. As of the latest update, the preferred armor choice is the Black Prince armor, known for its 50% damage reduction at 30% whole health. This armor provides excellent protection in combat scenarios, allowing the ship to withstand more damage and increase its survivability during intense battles.

Black Prince armor

The Black Prince armor's damage reduction feature is particularly valuable when facing higher-level enemy ships like Leest at level 13. By reducing incoming damage significantly when the ship's health drops to a critical level, this armor choice can make a substantial difference in prolonged engagements and challenging encounters.

The build aims to enhance the ship's overall performance in various encounters, adapting to different challenges presented in Season 1 of Skull and Bones. To adapt to the changes in the game, we need to prepare more skull and bones items, which can help us to change our strategy in the shortest possible time.

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