Fortnite Legendary Weapons Guide for Vindertech Disintegrator

Game: Fortnite
Time: 2023-02-13
Views: 7238

Fortnite Vindertech Disintegrator is one of a Legendary Vindertech Weapons in Save the World and makes use of Energy Cells. This Shotgun Fires an explosive ball of plasma that does high damage over a compact location. Offers energy damage, that is pretty successful against all elemental enemy varieties. After reading this guide, if you are interested in this weapon, you can buy it at U4GM at a favorable price since U4GM is a professional website selling Fortnite Weapons.

Fortnite Vindertech Disintegrator Guide

Keep in mind that Vindertech Disintegrator also has the other version:

Vindertech Plasma Gun is the Epic version of this weapon.  


Basic Info

Trait Synergies


Pros and Cons

Vs Other Weapons


Basic Info

Crit Chance5%
Crit Damage+50%
Fire Rate0.9
Magazine Size15
Durability per Use0.71
Reload Time6
Ammo TypeAmmo: Energy Cell
Ammo Cost3

Trait Synergies

Adjustable ChokeSoldierIncreases critical rating with shotguns by 8/13/18.
Advanced TacticsSoldierRanged weapon damage increased by 10%. Health increased by 10%.
Critical BlastSoldierIncreases shotgun critical hit damage by 70%.
Debilitating ShotsSoldierDealing ranged damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% on the target for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
Enduring MachineConstructorYour weapon takes 60% less durability damage while on BASE.
Explosive RoundsSoldierKilling 10 enemies with a ranged weapon deals X damage in a 1 tile radius.
Eye on the PrizeOutlanderEvery 15 headshot kills grants 1 Charge Fragment.
Fragment GenerationOutlanderEvery 60 kills grant 1 Charge Fragment.
Grenade GenerationSoldierEvery 30 kills with a ranged weapon grants 1 Frag Grenade. Count resets after 15 seconds without a kill.
I Love to Reload!SoldierReloading the equipped weapon increases run speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Improved HeadshotsSoldierIncreases headshot damage multipler of ranged weapons by 13%/20%/27%.
In a PinchSoldierIncreases weapon reload speed by 35% if the magazine is empty.
Locked and ReloadedSoldierAfter reloading, rate of fire is increased by 25% for 5 seconds.
Make It RainSoldierHeadshotting enemies increases ranged weapon rate of fire by 25% for 5 seconds.
Precision HandlingOutlanderHitting a headshot increases the speed of your next reload by 7%. Max 35%. Resets after reloading.
Pump It UpOutlanderIncreases shotgun rate of fire by 35%.
Quick ClipSoldierIncreases reload speed by 30%.
Shell ShockSoldierIncreases shotgun damage by 24%.
Start UpSoldierFiring with a ranged weapon increases rate of fire by 1.2% per shot for up to 20 shots. Resets on reload or weapon switch.
Steady AimSoldierReduces recoil by 29%.
SurvivalistSoldierKilling an enemy with an ability or weapon recovers 5 base health per second over 3 seconds. Kills reset the healing duration. Will not activate on full health.
There Are Many Like It...SoldierYour weapon takes 45% less durability damage while affected by War Cry.
War CrySoldierGive a War Cry, affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles for 10 seconds. Grants 45% more damage and 30% attack speed for ranged weapons and 45% more damage and 20% attack speed for melee weapons.
Waste Not Want NotSoldierIncreases ammo capacity of all weapons by 40%.


Vindertech Disintegrator was obtainable as featured loot in Storm Llamas bought from the Vindertech Store during the Mutant Storms event.

Pros and Cons


High damage.

High impact.

Effective against all elemental enemy types.



Relatively low fire rate.

Vs Other Weapons

Vindertech Disintegrator vs Whisper .45

Whisper .45 is a Legendary Military Weapon and makes use of Light Bullets. A suppressed handgun that drastically reduces the distance enemies hear and react for the shots. Harder hitting and softer shooting than the common semi-auto pistol, but has slightly slower aim recovery and reduce capacity.

Vindertech Disintegrator has larger damage and impact than Whisper, but the Whisper is insanely very good. Higher dmg, fire rate + it is silent so you may sneak up on these husks and kill them 1 by 1 with no them waking up.

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