Fortnite Outlander Heroes Guide to Gunblazer: Skin & Perks

Game: Fortnite
Time: 2023-02-13
Views: 6504

Gunblazer is really a Specialty Outlander Hero obtainable in the game. The number of perks and skills depends upon the hero's maximum evolution and level. Gunblazer is really a hybrid pistol / ability outlander. He gets +50% pistol harm immediately after making use of phase shit, and +18 crit rating with pistols. You can easily use cheap fortnite weapons hit him from U4GM Fortnite Items Store. During that window of chance, he'll come close to Ranger as far as pistol harm goes (he's missing the crit damage bonus, but you might run Trailblaster in tactical and be pretty much the identical as Ranger + Ranger for the duration of that window).


Fortnite Outlander Heroes Guide to Gunblazer: Skin & Perks




Squad Bonuses

Skin - Southie


Capacitor8Increases the range of TEDDY's attack to 6 tiles.
Eagle Eye12Increases chance to get a critical hit with pistols by 20%.
Extended Magazine18Increases ammo capacity of pistols by 24%.
Focused Acquisition ★EvoIncreases chance to find double loot by 6%.
In the Zone ★★★EvoAfter 5 hits in a row with a pick axe, gain In the Zone which increases pick axe damage by 24%.
Llocked and Lloaded15Llama Fragment now drops ammo.
Set Phasers to Kill5Increases pistol damage by 50%, for 4 seconds, after Phase Shift ends.
Static Cling30Enemies hit by Shock Tower take an additional 50% of Shock Tower damage every second for 6 seconds.
Upgraded Bearings25Increases TEDDY's rate of fire by 50%.


Loot Llama2Consumes a Llama Fragment to deploy a Loot Llama. Whack the Loot Llama with a harvesting tool to get building materials and crafting ingredients before it disappears.
Phase Shift1Rapidly shifts 1.562 tiles in the direction currently moving.
Shock Tower2Consumes a Charge Fragment to place a Shock Tower that pulses every 0.5 seconds, and lasts for 6 seconds. Causes Chain lightning, doing a base of 18 energy damage to enemies within 1.367 tiles, stunning small enemies for 1 second. Can stun large enemies after multiple hits.
TEDDY ★★EvoConsumes a Charge Fragment to deploy TEDDY for 15 seconds. TEDDY will blast enemies within 4 tiles for a base of 10 physical damage, 4 times per second.

Squad Bonuses

When place into a squad slot around the Hero screen, a constructor can give either a passive assistance or tactical bonus. Some demand a particular Principal Hero to make use of. Abilities which have percentages change depending on the star level.


Bullet Bonanza10%/15%/20% extra chance to find double ammo.


Llocked and Lloaded10%/15%/20% extra chance to find double ammo.


Skin - Southie

You understand what they say about southpaws, appropriate? No? Well, southpaws like Gunblazer Southie are swift using a pistol and excellent at discovering ammo. Added during the Horde Bash occasion, Gunblazer Southie has perks which might be aimed at buffing his pistol harm, but exactly where he seriously excels is foraging. On the other hand, his foraging perks are particularly aimed at finding ten tons of ammo. Gunblazer Southie comes in Uncommon, Epic, and Legendary rarity.


Gunblazer Southie Base Stats:

Health – 560

Health Regen – 14

Shield – 240

Shield Regen – 60

Movement Speed – 365

Sprint Speed – 550


Gunblazer Southie Squad Bonus:

Bullet Bonanza – 10% extra chance to find double ammo. Support bonuses are applied to your primary Hero when this Hero is in your Support Slot.
Llocked and Lloaded – Llama Fragments now drop ammo. Tactical bonuses are applied to your primary Hero when this Hero is in your Tactical Slot. Required Class: Outlander


Gunblazer Southie Abilities

1-Star Evolution

Focused Acquisition – Increases chance to find double loot by 6%.

Phase Shift – Costs 20 Energy. Costs 1 Teleport Charge. Ammo regen time – 15 seconds. Rapidly shifts 1.562 tiles in the direction currently moving.

Loot Llama – The Llama Fragment deploys the Loot Llama, which is really its own reward when you think about it. Whack the Loot Llama with a harvesting tool to get building materials and crafting ingredients before it disappears. The Llama Fragment is a special case and will stack on top of any other Fragment Ability you may have. When you have a Llama Fragment, it will always be used first.

Shock Tower – Costs 1 Ammo – Charge Fragment. 2 second cooldown. Chain lightning, doing a base of 16 energy damage to enemies within 1.367 tiles, stunning small enemies for 1 second. Can stun large enemies after multiple hits.

Set Phasers to Kill – Increases pistol damage by 50% for 4 seconds after Phase Shift ends.

Capacitor – Increases the duration of Shock Tower by 2 seconds.


2-Star Evolution

TEDDY – Costs 1 Ammo – Charge Fragment. 2 second cooldown. Consumes a Charge Fragment to deploy TEDDY for 15 seconds. TEDDY will blast enemies within 4 tiles for a base of 10 Physical damage, 4 times per second.

Eagle Eye – Increases chance to get a critical hit with Pistols by 20%.

Llocked and Lloaded – Lllama Fragments now drop ammo.

Extended Magazine – Increases ammo capacity in pistols by 24%.


3-Star Evolution

In the Zone – After 5 hits with a pick axe, gain In the Zone which increases pick axe damage by 24%.

Upgraded Bearings – Increases TEDDY's rate of fire by 50%.

Static Cling – Enemies hit by Shock Tower take additional 50% damage of Shock Tower for 6 seconds.

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