Fortnite Bazooka is the Legendary version of Rocket Launcher that used in Save the World, Bazooka's special feature is that it will not consume ammo but instead swiftly consumes its durability. Note that you will need 15 Blasting Powder, 12 Rusty Mechanical Parts, 3 Ores to Crafting it. I prefer to have reloaded speed on my Bazookas plus on crit damage, what about you? Here, U4GM will share the most complete Bazooka guide, meanwhile, Bazooka is also one of the hot sale Fortnite Weapons on our website.
Bear in mind that the Bazooka also has other versions:
1) Rare version: Rocket Launcher
2) Epic version: Missile Launcher
An explosive weapon, fires long-range rockets that damage and knockback groups of enemies inside a moderate radius. Will not consume ammo, but has pretty low durability. It requires 15 Blasting Powder, 12 Rusty Mechanical Parts, 3 Ores.
Name | Value |
Damage | 450 |
Crit Chance | 5% |
Crit Damage | +50% |
Fire Rate | 0.75 |
DPS | 1039.5 |
Magazine Size | 1 |
Range | 512 |
Durability | 15 |
Durability per Use | 1.0 |
Reload Time | 1.8 |
Ammo Type | Explosive Rounds |
Ammo Cost | 1 |
Impact | 3000 |
Here are the Hero Traits that Bazooka works with and benefits from:
Name | Class | Description |
Advanced Tactics | Soldier | Ranged weapon damage increased by 10%. Health increased by 10%. |
Debilitating Shots | Soldier | Dealing ranged damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% on the target for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. |
Enduring Machine | Constructor | Your weapon takes 60% less durability damage while on BASE. |
Explosive Rounds | Soldier | Killing 10 enemies with a ranged weapon deals X damage in a 1 tile radius. |
Eye on the Prize | Outlander | Every 15 headshot kills grants 1 Charge Fragment. |
Faster Explosions | Constructor | Increases explosive weapon reload speed by 35%. |
Fragment Generation | Outlander | Every 60 kills grant 1 Charge Fragment. |
Grenade Generation | Soldier | Every 30 kills with a ranged weapon grants 1 Frag Grenade. Count resets after 15 seconds without a kill. |
I Love to Reload! | Soldier | Reloading the equipped weapon increases run speed by 30% for 3 seconds. |
Improved Headshots | Soldier | Increases headshot damage multipler of ranged weapons by 13%/20%/27%. |
In a Pinch | Soldier | Increases weapon reload speed by 35% if the magazine is empty. |
Locked and Reloaded | Soldier | After reloading, rate of fire is increased by 25% for 5 seconds. |
Quick Clip | Soldier | Increases reload speed by 30%. |
Start Up | Soldier | Firing with a ranged weapon increases rate of fire by 1.2% per shot for up to 20 shots. Resets on reload or weapon switch. |
Steady Aim | Soldier | Reduces recoil by 29%. |
Survivalist | Soldier | Killing an enemy with an ability or weapon recovers 5 base health per second over 3 seconds. Kills reset the healing duration. Will not activate on full health. |
There Are Many Like It... | Soldier | Your weapon takes 45% less durability damage while affected by War Cry. |
War Cry | Soldier | Give a War Cry, affecting friendly characters within 4 tiles for 10 seconds. Grants 45% more damage and 30% attack speed for ranged weapons and 45% more damage and 20% attack speed for melee weapons. |
Waste Not Want Not | Soldier | Increases ammo capacity of all weapons by 40%. |
Bazooka is accessible from the Vindertech Store in all Basic and Daily Llama Piñatas that incorporate ranged weapons, or it may also be offered as non-featured loot in Event Piñatas.
Simple to defend against and does not consume ammo. A player can throw a wall in front of a rocket and will quickly block it.
Has extremely low durability.
Bazooka will only do harm right after it has traveled a specific distance (say 20 meters). If it hits a target below this threshold it will be regarded as a dud and do no damage whatsoever. This may make the Bazooka virtually useless as a shotgun-replacement but will hold its essential bunker-buster characteristic intact, if fired from a proper distance.
Bazooka vs Grenade Launcher
Every single selection is extremely very good, but they have places where they excel. Grenade Launcher is also an Explosive Weapon. See what subtle differences they have.
1) Attack:
The Grenade Launcher is much better at attacking massive bases and permitting you to slip grenades into the opponent's fort. I like it considerably superior in squad games exactly where I know folks will likely be constructing massive forts that can be really hard to attack.
The Bazooka can be employed similarly, but I like it much better in solos/duos since that you are less worried about huge forts and fights are up-close and private.
2) Defend:
The Bazooka is much much easier to defend against. A player can throw a wall in front of a rocket and can quickly block it.
Grenades are tougher to predict, and when the particular person firing them arcs them properly they will explode with no the particular person being aware of exactly where it was coming from.
Bazooka vs Vacuum Tube Launcher
That Bazooka has also several crit damage perks with not sufficient crit opportunity. 1 out of every single three shots will hit for a substantial enhance, however, the other two will likely be meh damage.
Frequently, you'd like to use rocket launchers to move smashers away in the base or launch them off cliffs. You could kill them with it, but you happen to be going to work with up quite a bit of mat performing that. It is greater to acquire them off the base then DPS them down with guns or abilities (bullets are more affordable than launchers).
I am not certain how lots of rockets it would take. When you get to elemental enemies, recall no element = 50% damage reduction. Rockets are most effective when utilized to clear trash mobs and hold smashers off the base.
Vacuum Tube Launcher are essentially created for smashers, they stun smashers which can be good. Do not even bother leveling the bazooka it doesn't have an element and not enough crit likelihood but honestly, I would not use it even if it did rocket launcher is not designed to be crit weapons.
Bazooka vs Shotgun