Q: About leveling should I stay lower level for some time or I can go for 65?
A: Get to 65, 1-64 is a tutorial
Q: What is the fastest way to farm gold? (Without ELITE status)
A: Doing your dailies at lv65 (Vanguard bams on Island of dawn, selling excess mats etc). A TERA Gold Guide written to help gamers to quickly gain gold with tips proven by the wealthy gamers.
Q: Is gathering/mining important?
A: Nope, not outside of achievements
Q: Is crafting important and on what level should I do it?
A: Nope, the strongest gear can be made with 0 skill level so there isn't much reason to level it. Other ones you would want to level is Etching for Etchings (Items to put on extra stats on gear like more Crit or A-speed + CDR) or Armoursmithing for Aterstood oil (Oil needed for Etching, Decent money) and making Upgraded brooches...others are junk until Console gets the gear revamp
Q: How do I reset production points?
A: You replenish 5 points per 5 minutes or use a crafter cure
Q: I've been seeing some posts about being rewarded for maxing out gathering, is that true?
A: Kind of, you get achievements...one gives Extra inventory slots, one gives a halo and some give basically useless accessories
Q: Is it possible to drop Costume from boss (any boss)?
A: Nope, unless it's an event boss which console hasn't had as far as i know
Q: Best place for farming Fashion Coupons?
A: Island of Dawn at 65
Q: On what level should I start caring about gear and enhancement?
A: 65, but you can enchant your Avatar weapon to +9 for extra damage
Q: Where I can buy mounts or pet (NPC or is there any possibility that they can be caught)?
A: Broker for any purchases you want (Remember to actually SEARCH for items. Mounts and pets are under Skill books)
Q: What are the best dungeons to do? ( I'm currently level 40 Brawler practicing perfect countering)
A: Whichever is on your instant match window
Q: What is the best gear that can be obtained without using real money and how can I get it (by doing what spamming instances/crafting..)?
A: Currently Ambush which is current BiS...How fast is depending on if you have a static and how well you can clear the highest tier dungeons (Or spam farm Battlegrounds to buy some mats) and if you get lucky on Designs
Q: What is the max enhancement level?
A: +12 for Standard gear, +15 for VM gear (Imperator/Ambush/Deathwrack when it comes out)
Q: Is it worth spending a lot of gold on costumes/pets/mounts? ( I kinda love to have a lot of costumes)
A: I mean if you want an outfit then get it if you want...they don't give stats. As long as you got outfits you want, an auto loot pet (Optional) and a mount to get around (you get free flying mount at 65 via quest) then you're fine and don't need much....Getting a mount with HP recovery for solo might be nice but not all that needed